Some Things Change

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*Stephanie's POV*

Niall and I walk into the flat.

"Hey guys!" I chirp.

We come and join the rest of the lads on the couch.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Harry asks.

"Uhh...I don't know." I reply.

We all sat there contemplating.

"Stephanie, do you golf?" Liam asks.

"Actually, I golfed a bit when I was younger but then I stopped."

"Let's go golfing then!" Liam explodes into excitement.

"Oh dear." I mumbles as Niall grabs my arm and leads me to the car where everyone is ready.

Without noticing, we already pulled up to the country club. Everyone run outside and when I come out, Niall already has a golf cart ( a big one at that).

Louis yells, " I CALL SHOTGUN!" and he jumps into the golf cart.

Liam and Zayn pile into the row behind Niall and Louis. I sit in the last row that faces outwards. I pat the seat next to me. 

"Come on, Harry!" I call out.

He comes jogging with his gear and settles down next to me. With that, the golf cart zooms away. Arriving at the first hole, we all pile out of the cart. Louis and Zayn are just here to cheer us on because they're not the golfing type.

Liam, Niall, and Harry already finish their turn. Now, it is mine. Oh help me. I bring the club back and swing. The ball goes flying somewhat near where the other boys' balls landed. Not bad, Stephanie. Not bad. I suddenly here loud cheers from the boys.

"YEAH STEPHANIE!" Louis and Zayn shout, being the cheerleaders they are. Soon Niall, Liam, and Harry join the cheer.

At the end of the game, I suprisingly end up winning.

"Wow. I didn't expect that to happen." I state.

"I didn't either." Harry comments.

"Hey!" I exclaim and playfully punch Harry. We both end up cracking up though.

 "I'm hungryyy." Niall complains," Let's eat Italian food guys."

We all hop into the car and drive to a close Italian restaurant. 5 stars. It must be good. All of us walk in and are seated quickly. Why were we seated so quickly? Oh right. They're famous. It seems surreal to be friends with them.

A waitress approaches our table. "Hi. My name is Sarah. I'll be serving you today. What drink would you like to start with?" While she takes our orders, I see her eyeing Harry. I felt a little jealous but I stopped myself. Harry and I weren't dating anymore. Just friends. But this waitress was pretty; blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, a curvy body. I couldn't compare to her. I'm a little fatter than average and have brown eyes, and dark brown hair. If anything, that waitress could well be a model. It's a good thing Harry was totally oblivious to her looks and the stares she was giving him.

Sarah left and came back quickly with our drinks. You could tell she was trying to flirt with Harry but he would always shoot her down. Sarah took our orders and left in defeat. Harry scooted closer to me.

"Hey. Can you pretend to be my girlfriend? That waitress is bothering me." Harry whispers in my ear.

"Yeah." I was happy he wasn't interested in her but I kept secret with myself.

Harry slings his arm around my shoulder. Sarah comes back with the food.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Sarah comments while distributing our food.

"Yeah." Harry says. The rest of the lads look totally confused.

"How cute," Sarah says rudely in an annoyed way, " Well if you guys anything else, I'll be happy to hel-."

"Thanks," Liam interrupts, now aware of why I was faking to be Harry's girlfriend.

Sarah angrily walks away. Harry pulls back his arm, which I kind of wish he didn't. 

"The waitress was flirting with me if you guys couldn't tell. So Stephanie pretended to be my fake girlfriend." Harry explains.

"I caught on," Liam says.

The rest of the boys release several 'Oh's' of realizations. We all started eating our delicious food. Sarah comes and checks up on us frequently though, asking if we needed anything and how is the food. She always tries to find a way to talk or somehow interact with Harry. When she approaches our table again, she tries starting up a conversation with the boys while secretly eyeing Harry. A minute or two passes and Sarah is still here. 

"Stephanie," he whispers, "Kiss me."

"What?" I quietly say back.

Harry doesn't answer me but just kisses me. I was very suprised. Friends don't do this. I went along with it though. He better have a good explanation later.

From the side of our kiss, I saw Sarah make an excuse and walk away. Then, Harry pulled back.

"I can explain." Harry defends.

"Go on." I say.

"Shewasgettingreallyannoyingandshewouldn'tstopbotheringussoikissedyousoshe'dgoaway." Harry said REALLY fast.


"She was really annoying and kissing you made her go away."

"She was really annoying." Niall added. The other lads nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Fair enough. Next time, warn me ahead of time." I warn.

"I did!"


"I did too."

"Did not."







"Fine. I'm sorry. Isn't it better now that she's gone though?"

"Yess!" the boys say simultaneously.

"Okay, okay." I say calmly.

"Let's go. I'm done with this place." Harry declares. "Good thing she left the check here early."

Harry pays and we file out of the booth. On our way out, Harry and I stare at Sarah who was trying to flirt with another customer but happen to be looking at us at that time.

"I thought you liked the attention of girls." I ask Harry when we got in the car.

"I don't like it as much anymore. I only like some nowadays."

I wonder why...

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