Get a Life, Slut

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*Stephanie's POV*

A large horn echoed throughtout the island.

I moaned as a voice registered in my ear. "Good morning, beautiful."

I moaned again as the horn blasts again. "Do you hear that? I don't think right now is the right time to be clichè with me right now."

Harry chuckles. " Alright, babe. You're still beautiful though." I ignore his comment and detatch myself from the bed. At the same time, he leaves the bed and slides on one of his shirts, showing his extensive torso and his defined abs. As I enter the hallway, I see shirtless Niall coming out of his room, showing off his pale skin that needs to be tanned. He runs his hand through his messy bed hair and makes eye contact with me. Niall immediately shines me a smile through his annoyed face. I can tell he was annoyed by the horns too. But at that moment, I realized that I haven't seen that smile lately...I pretty much haven't been acknowledging his presence. That's a bad way to start off fresh...I feel bad.

I give him a genuine smile of happiness to see him. I actually was, even at this time of day under this situation of horns coming from who knows where. "Good morning." Niall manages to say groggily. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great until those horns went off." I say in an annoyed tone.

"Agreed. Let's go find out what it is." We walk down the stairs, leave the house, and approach the beach. We immediately spot the somewhat big ship headed towards the island with  loud music and girls dancing on it.

I take a peek at Niall to observe his reacaction. His mouth is opened slightly in surprise. "Shit. They better not be fans. How did they find us this quickly? This is supposed to be a private island."

I bite my lip in nervousness. "Um..go hide in those trees. Quick. The ships coming fast." Niall sprints to the trees and I walk to the dock. In no time, the ship is docked. Suddenly, a group of girls come rushing out and hugging me while screaming my name.

I panicked in confusion but once they all let go of me, I immediately recognized their faces. I shriek.

"Stephanie! How have you been??" Becky chirps. She was extremely tall because of her lengthy legs.

"Great did you guys know I was here?" I stutter.

'Britney of course!" the cute and extremely happy one named Serena says.

Britney. Of course. It's a good thing they don't know that much about the guys but why would they fly all the way to Engand from Cali? These girls were the friends we hung out with at home. They always brought me to parties. Not to forget that they drank a lot.

"We also really needed to get out for the summer." Nicole adds. She was a nice but more reserved than the rest of the girls. She still would party though.

Makes sense. That was when I noticed the other girl. I haven't seen her before. She had pale skin and brown hair that stopped above her stomach.

"And who are you?" I ask the new girl, trying to be amiable.

"I'm Natalie." She replies with sweet British accent. Something about her voice and her presence is leading me to think they're something deceiving about this girl.

"Nice to meet you." I fake a smile and offer my hand to shake. She doesn't hesitate to. "How'd you meet them?"

"Oh. Well we were in a club in London and this guy was trying to...he was harrassing me and they noticed me. So they came over and help me beat the living daylight out of him."

"Oh wow." I say. "You guys use those martial arts moves we learned from second grade, huh?"

They all erupt in laughter. "Yes!" Serena exclaims.

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