Chapter 10

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"They want us to leave brother! Without the spell we came looking for, we can't.  Not until my daughter is free from the hollow."-Klaus hells. 

"Yes...Yes, brother. You are right actually.  We shall go inside and encourage our own blood to die for your daughter. Why? Because we came after a decade to realize they do exist?....................... We shouldn't be here loading our bags. If it wasn't your foolish plan. Elijah once said that you made your life miserable and made numerous enemies. We all did. But we were there when they all came after Hope. But we were never in sight when they came after ours. I should be inside with my daughter not here with yours. We did whatever you asked. But now I won't. Die in hell brother. I leave. I quit."- Rebekah shouted at Klaus. While his eyes widened in her sudden outburst.

Kol and Elijah were speechless.

"Sister it was my fault-"-Elijah began while taking a step forward.

"Yes! It was but it was his first. This selfish bastard."-Rebekah shouted cutting Elijah off.

It was evening the kids bunked school to stay at home. And insure that the other Mikaelsons don't extend there stay. Daisy stood from her balcony watching all this. The cars were now on the road side, being loaded by them. Davina,Freya and Hope were in the garden watching all this. While Hayley was nowhere in sight. Daisy saw her mother's outburst. Feeling sad somewhere deep inside. But an unknown feeling if uneasiness was taking over. Cause knowing that someone was there protecting them from there stupid plan of loving them again and handing over there lives on a silver paltter for saving Hope.

Finn and Henrik walked outside which indicated her to also walk down to bid them a farewell. She vamp sped into there common study room.

 She vamp sped into there common study room

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The common study room for the 4 kids.

She saw Ethan drinking while Andrew was watching something.

"We shall head down now."-she said in a monotone voice. 

"Then we must before they extend there bloody stay."-Ethan speaks and stands off the bar stool. Andrew turns his head with a sigh and vamp speds beside them. They all head down to find Clarrisa in the livng room reading something. Clarrisa peeks above the book and nods.

She stands up putting the book and vamp sped towards the road where Finn and Henrik were standing. Daisy was standing beside her. Andrew and Ethan a little behind Finn and Henrik, near there sisters. Daisy was standing with her hands clasped in front of her.

Rebekah walked towards Daisy, which alarmed Andrew and Ethan. Yet they didn't stop her. Ethan and Andrew folded their arms. Ethan looked at his feet then back at Rebekah pacing him. WhileAndrew stood there watching her with anger-filled eyes. Finn and Henrik turned to look at their sister. With narrow eyes. Henrik had his hands clasped in mockery. While Finn had his hands on waist.

 While Finn had his hands on waist

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Rebekah smiled at the two, then took Daisy's hands in hers.

"Daisy you are a wonderful lady. You have every trade I ever lacked in. Patience, courage, enthusiasm, and more. Never doubt yourself cause I believe you will be always right. And if you ever falter, your siblings will be thee to help you to gain your path back."-Rebekah said then nodded at Clarrisa which she returned. Daisy didn't say anything she kept her mention less face on.

The Michaelson's sat in their car and drove off. Andrew swung his arm around Daisy, while Clarrisa had her arm around Daisy's waist. Ethan kept his arm on Clarrisa shoulder's similar to Andrew's. Finn and Henrik smiled at the kids and watched as they left to get inside the house.


Later 1 am.

The Mikaelson's were driving. Everyone was asleep. Except for Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Klaus, and Freya.

Klaus's car was in the front followed by Elijah's. Suddenly a silhouette appeared in the fog, forcing Klaus to pull breaks letting the car drift towards the figure. Elijah did the same only forcing a little drift.

Everyone claimed out except Davina, Hope, and Hayley. Hayey holder hopes close to her. while Davina was in the second car alone.

The silhouette walked from the fog. ANd revealed himself to be-

"Daisy!"-Kol gasped. Everyone eye's just bounced out of their place seeing her 2 miles away from Fork. The three sitting in their car climbed down.

"What are you doing here?"-Rebekah spoke out o horror.

"Listen I have only a little time before they all realize that someone's heartbeat is missing! You all cannot turn your backs on us. Not after giving us the hope that we are remembered by you."

"We can't do this-"-Davina said.

"We all need you. Especially Ethan and Clarrisa. They both have lost much.  And cannot suffer anymore. Clarrisa is breaking from inside. She has powers that are beyond our imagination and explanation. Only you Uncle Elijah have seen such powers. And I have a strong theory that if she regains her trust in you and this family she will regain her broken parts. She always had kept this belief that whatever you all did to us was not intentionally, it was out of love. She had also made us trust that. But now she had lost her own trust. Her power's become stronger with her emotions. And I have seen the destruction that will be caused. I have seen her become the darkest and most heartless of any being that ever had or will exist. My vision is true. And the only way of changing them is you. And only you. And I promise that Ethan is the only one that can save Hope. He and Andrew have ventured to Egpyt and China and have discovered things beyond any witches' imagination. Ruins, spells, practices, objects, and creatures. They both can help you save them. Andrew is a tribrid. The Hollow followed him too. But Ethan helped him. He caged the Hollow. The cage is broken because it traveled through the blood link towards Hope. We can save her.....without anyone dying. But only when Clarrisa is saved. Promise me this! Or I will be the one killing her first."-Daisy explained the whole thing calmly only turning her head towards the side and giving a serious face at the last sentence.

"You really think that you trying to threaten us with our daughter's life will make us agree at saving your Cousin."-Hayley speaks stepping in front go them all.

Daisy cocked her head by the side mouth slightly opened.

"First, she is my sister. Second, I wasn't referring to you cause I don't give a damn about you Whore. And the Third talk with respect I am not your dog, I am a Mikaelson."-Daisy said smiling like a devil.

"-which you are not!"-Daisy says and sends her quake power towards her. Making her go fly feet away even behind them. The Cresent grunted and stood somehow, vamp speeding towards her. But Daisy held her by her neck. Raising her high enough. Everyone stood there shocked. But Hope rushed towards her, only being stopped by Davina and Klaus.

"Ok wait!"-Davina said making Daisy peek from Hayley to her. Her grip is still tight.

"We are kicked out of your home."-Davina said making a point. Listening to this Daisy dropped Haley on the ground kicking her towards Hope. 

"Exactly, from our house but not from Forks. We have total control over the school so you gain no chance here. Bu the district! Only an administratively powerful person like Clarrisa's Grandmother, can kick you out. But she is the one to agree with me on this. She is quite devoted on saving her heir. "-Daisy said cocking her head again. Then she wooshed. Disappearing in the fog.


Dang........Daisy a mastermind.

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