4th Wolf x Grape

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I caught the flu and this is about the time i'm glad that Wolf doesn't go to my school he only texts me in the morning to make sure i'm awake:

Wolf: you awake yet

Me: yeah

That's just how it was between us he was only soft sometimes and never in public though people do know we're dating, I sniff and sit in the chair in my living room while turning on the TV and put something random on to let my mind wonder until I can fall asleep.


I know we have a meeting today and I have to meet Forrest to get some files so I get to see Sam at least, I walk to his school before the bell rings because I have to get the files to Donald around lunch. I walk up the staircase and to the roof ready to see Sam but when I got up there he wasn't there "where's Sam today" Forrest hands me the files and shrugs "he didn't show up to school today" I nod and walk away while texting him:

Me: where are you

I don't get a reply I sigh and decide to skip today and head over to his house, but first I have to drop these off to Donald he wanted info on Eunjang's White Mamba and I left it to Forrest, I walk to his office and knock "come in" I walk in and hand him the papers "ok your dismissed" I nod and leave. I head to Sam's house and knock but when I don't get a reply I walk in and look around before walking into the living room after hearing the TV, I find him curled up on the chair asleep "Sam?" he shifts in his sleep "Sam wake up" I shake his shoulder and his eyes open a bit "Wolf?" I nod and he rubs his eyes "what are you doing here" he looks around "you weren't there when I went to pick up some files for Donald and you know you can look at me the 3 second rule doesn't apply to you". 

He looks me in the eye this time "what files" I get agitated thinking about it "info on the White Mamba" he shrugs "didn't know he was getting info on that I could've just asked Alex I see him around a lot while he's with Ben". I sit on the floor in front of the chair "aren't they dating" he shrugs " I think so they look like they are" he lays his head back down "you look like shit" he nods "I feel like shit too" I laugh and he blushes " I caught the flu..." his eyes start to close and I rub his back while grabbing for the remote. 

I put Blood And Bone on and rub his back while watching the movie, soon I hear soft snores coming from him and my attention turns to him for a bit before I snap out of it and turn back to the movie. After about an hour or so he starts to wake up again and I look at him as he sits up and scoots to the floor with me "are you still tired" he nods and I put my arm around his waist pulling his closer to me. He lets me do this and leans onto me but not closing his eyes "if your tired you can go back to sleep" he shakes his head "can't fall back to sleep" I nod "is there anything that helps you sleep" he shrugs "I don't know usually I just wait til i'm really tired then I close my eyes but it's not working". I move my hand and rest my elbow on his shoulder while making him look at me "yeah?" he's red and flustered as I lean in and kiss him, he closes his eyes and kisses back while slowly raising his hands and resting them on my chest. 

 I thought he was pushing me away at first but he grips my shirt and scoots closer to me "hnn~" he pulls away opens his eyes keeping his mouth open slightly "your gonna get sick" I shrug "oh well" I kiss him again and push him back so he is laying down. I move from his lips to his neck being a little rough "ngghh~...haa~...mm~" he is quietly moaning and pulling more at my shirt, I pull back and look at his face seeing what I did. He had a strong blush across his cheeks and his mouth was slightly open, his eye lids were half closed and the marks I made were prominent on his neck. His grip on my shirt was slowly loosening and his eyes were closing more "Wolf..." I shake my head and move his hair off of his forehead kissing it, he closes his eyes and his hands go limp as I move them around my neck. 

I lay down on him turning my head to the side and looking at the TV as the credits roll, closing my eyes I rest my head on Grape's chest listening to his heartbeat as I slowly drift to sleep. I wake up and Grape was running his fingers through my hair and had turned on another movie, he had also taken my glasses off and didn't notice I had woken up until I looked up at him "your awake?" I nod "mhm are you feeling better" he nods "yeah but my fever will spike again it's only noon". 


I love when Wolf is like this he usually isn't cuddly but I think he's just worried, I continue to run my fingers through his hair as he falls back to sleep. I know he secretly likes when I mess with his hair but I also know that he will never admit it, the only reason I know this is because he subconsciously leans into my hand. I know he cares even if he's not good at showing it he tries at least, he already told me the reason he bullied me was because he liked me and was in denial on his own feeling and I accepted that because I have always liked him for some reason and I always felt like he was holding back. 

He eventually wakes up all the way and rests his chin on his arms looking up at me "what are you watching" I shrug "I pressed the play something button and i'm not sure if I like it or not" he laughs "your supposed to watch a couple minutes to decide if you like it". I shrug "I wasn't paying attention" he reaches over my head and grabs his glasses "you could've asked me to hand them to you" he shrugs and lays back on me except he's closer to my face than before "why are you blushing". I didn't realize I was "huh?" he smirks "did you not know" I shake my head "how do you not know your blushing" I shrug "I don't know" he sighs like he's agitated "you ok" he nods "the union is stressful it's nice to lay here with you and relax".

I smile "what's making you stressed" he shakes his head "I keep having people stab me in the back and I have to pay the price from Donald" I flip us so i'm on top of him "Sam?" i'm sitting on him straddling his waist. I lean down just like he did and suck on his neck while he grabs my waist, I move around his neck sucking and biting like he did on mine "you learn fast Sam..." his voice comes out raspy and was more like a groan. I tug at his hair a bit and mess with it while continuing to look for his sweet spot because he couldn't find mine so i'll find his first, I finally found it and I knew because his breath caught in his throat and he gripped my shirt. It was near his collar bone on the left side of his neck and once I knew that I stayed in that area "you wanna play this way Sam?" I smirk and he flips us easily making me yelp "was that in pain or surprise".

I laugh "surprise you asshole" he chuckles "my turn then" it only takes him and couple seconds to find mine "Ahh~" I grab his biceps and he hits that spot over and over but finally bit taking me by surprise again. He pulls away from my neck and kisses me quickly "I win and I don't think your sick anymore" I shrug "I feel a lot better" he lays down on me again "and this is my spot so no moving" I scoff "what if I do" he glares playfully "then no cuddles" he goes to roll off of me so I roll with him and hug him around his waist "cuddles" he sighs "fine"we both laugh and go to sleep cuddling on the floor.


AN: so this one is all over the place and I had writers block for this one as well which is always fun hope you enjoyed 

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