Gray x Ben

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AN: this was requested by diesatanShoaff, and Mangokiwidragon, we all agreed this is a good ship to write so why not and i'm on chapter 57 so 43 more chapter until 100

AU: Virus (violent Virus breakout this one is new so I thought i'd elaborate on it)


I always liked Ben even before the pandemic, but he was with Alex so he was offlimits at least to me knowledge "hey Ben come here and help me with this" all the kids got locked away in centers to 'keep us safe'. I didn't believe it and neither did the other 2, they just went with it though "one second" the leave me in the room by myself with only my thoughts to occupy me.


Gogo pulls me into his room and closes the door "how long am I going to have to pretend to be your boyfriend because if I have to kiss you one more time I will kill myself" I shrug "until he gets jealous" he crosses his arms. I groan "what?" he sits down "he already is" I shake my head "Ben I would know because i'm the one getting the dirty looks" I sigh "fine we're going to have to stage a break up and me asking him out at the same time. Gogo lays back on the bed "no one knows yet right" I shake my head "no" he crosses his arms over his face "i'm gonna have to fake fucking cry and everyone is going to think it's real until you ask him out, great".

I roll my eyes at him "come on, get up" I pull him up by the arm and drag him out the room "where are we going" he sounds even more annoyed "getting reinforcements" I want to tell Jimmy and Jack to get their help on it. When we stop outside their door Gogo looks back and forth "absolute not, there's no way i'm letting them help us with this" I shrug and knock "Ben!" he pops my hand "what did I just say they're not helping us". Jimmy opens the door "help you guys with what" he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose while I tell Jimmy what we need help with "damn, you're a real one for putting up with that for so long" he shrugs and crosses his arms while looking at the floor. 

Ok maybe I know that Gogo likes Jack and with him standing just behind Jimmy Gogo is getting a little shy, so I figured why not help him with that "Gogo likes someone else anyway" he shoots me a dirty look "Ben I am warning you, if you tell anyone I will make sure that Gray will hate you". Jimmy smirks and Jack quirks his eyebrow "how will you do that Gogo" I tease him some more "Ben." I go a bit farther "he likes-" he interrupts me "I swear to god I will tell Gray you slept with me". I could tell he immediately regretted saying it "I wasn't going to tell them" I ruffle his hair like a little kid and he swats my hand away "stop it, i'm not a little kid" I saw Jimmy give Jack a quick glance, he nodded and Jimmy nodded back "alright we'll help you".

They let us in to their shared room unlike ours "you can sit on Jack's bed with him and Ben can sit on mine with me" he writes something on a notepad and hands it to me 'Jack likes him' I nod and write that Gogo likes him too. I watch Gogo sit and pull his knees to his chest before he lays his head on his arms crossed over his knees "ok do you know if Gray likes you back" I shake my head and Gogo answers from across the room "yes Gray likes him back, I get the dirty look from him". Jimmy nods and writes it down "how are you guys planning to fake break up" I shrug and so does Gogo "all we know is i'm going to have to fake cry in front of everyone which sounds like so much fun to me".

I roll my eyes and tell him to stop being grumpy while we continued working on a plan, by the end of it Gogo was asleep in the same position "how the hell does he sleep like that" I shrug "all I know is it hurts his back to sleep like that, but i don't wanna hear him complaining so" I walked over to him and pushed him onto his back. We went back to planning how me and Gogo were going to break up, after half an hour he still wasn't awake "damn, I was hoping he'd wake up" I stand and so does Jimmy "why" I shake my head and rub my eyes "I really didn't want to take a punch". When Gogo first falls asleep he is like normal people when their asleep but after about 20 minutes if you try to touch him he'll immediately wake up and punch whoever it is without knowing.  

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