2nd Jimmy x Alex

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AN: this was voted on by Mangokiwidragon

AU: Normal


I've been friends with Ben for as long as I can remember "hey Gogo?" he's the only one that knows I have an older sister "yeah?" i'm the only one that knows that he's gay "who do you like" he's the only one that knows i'm gay as well "you know who". We're the only ones who knows who the other one likes "I thought it would've changed by now" I may have liked Jimmy for a long time now "nope" it started in middle school when he beat me in a fight, though he lost to Ben he was still strong. It's been 4 years now and I understand why Ben would think I didn't like him anymore, especially since he has gone through many people throughout the years "I never actually got over him ok" he pats my shoulder "that's fine you'll eventually get over it". 

I scoff "right, we're graduating this year and I still haven't had a proper conversation with him" he shrugs "when you leave you'll forget about him and get another guy" I roll my eyes "again I don't plan on leaving and I don't think he does either". I jump when a random kid burst through our classroom door "Alex Go and Ben Park" we stand and his eyes meet mine "some scary chick just came into the school asking about you". Me and Ben look at each other before it clicks "Harper!" we run out of the room "what the hell is she doing here" I shrug "I don't know but if she's harassing kids looking for me it's probably something bad". Last time this happened it was when my dad was in the hospital, I cup my hands around my mouth and yell her name until I heard her call back "Alex!". 

We run around the corner and see her "what are you doing here you could've called me" she shrugged and grabbed my shoulders "we have a problem" I raise an eyebrow "what" she blinks a couple times "you know who came to our house looking for you". I groan "god- fuck! i'm guessing you already signed me out for today" she nods "we need to go" Ben sends me a confused look "who?" I sigh "i'll tell you later" he nods and I get dragged away by Harper "look you need to get rid of this freak" I nod "I know I tried but he keeps coming back". This guy has been obsessed with me for months and won't go away "you should really get a girl to show him you're straight" I nod "yeah I guess" yeah I never told her.

When we get home I saw him waiting outside out house "dude seriously..." I sigh and walk up to him "Aiden what are you doing here" he smiles at me "I wanted to see you" I hold back a cringe "lets take a walk". He nods with the happiest look i've ever seen "does this mean you'll go out with me" I shake my head "no it means i'm going on a walk with you" he looked a little sad for a second but bounced back. We were walking by Yoosun which surprised me about how far we got "what about instead of dating we be fuck buddies" I choke on my spit "not a-" he pushes me into a wall "I know you're gay so just stop being stubborn". I push him away but he grabs the collar of my shirt "I know you want me so stop pretending" he pushes me to the ground and pins my arms down "fuck off".

I flip us and get off of him to walk away but he grabbed my ankle making me fall "dude stop!" I said this while holding my bleeding nose "shit i'm so sorry, I didn't- here let me help you" I hold my hand out "don't". He slows down and crouches down "here" he wipes under my nose before he grabs my chin and kisses me "A-" I push him away again and wipe my mouth "I do not like you" he looked angry now and pushed me back down onto my back. He had me pinned again and somehow got stronger "stop!" he seemed to snap out of his frenzy "please Alex" I groan "i'm not into you just let me go" he got his dark look on his face again "you don't get it do you, I need you". I cringe and prepare for him to attack again "what the fuck's going on out here" Aiden jumped off me and ran "thank god" the blood was pooling in my nose and it was annoying "who was that" I hold my nose as I sat up "asshole is obsessed with me and won't leave me alone".

I only notice that I was talking to Jimmy when he walked up next to me "you look frustrated" I scoff "I didn't notice, anything else you wanna let me know" he smirks "yeah there's a little bit of red on your lip I think it's coming from your nose but I can't be sure". I roll my eyes "thanks I appreciate it" I wipe my lip and roll my hoodie sleeve down before holding it to my nose "get up lets go" he holds out his hand and I grab it letting him help me up, he leads me through the school and to the back where I saw Jack sitting in a chair reading. He looks up "told you something was off" Jimmy flipped him off and lead me back to to this white room where i'm guessing they take care of injuries "sit" I do as he says seeing as I had no choice anyway.

He threw a rag at me and sat on the counter across from me, it was quiet for a while until he finally spoke "you alright" he sounded actually concerned for me "yeah" I lean my head against the wall behind me and swing my legs. He jumps off the counter and walks over "give me" I hand him the rag and he looks at my nose "it looks like your nose has road rash on it, now you look like Rudolph and the blood is still flowing but it slowed". He puts the rag up to my nose "blow your nose and throw the rag away" he lets go of it and I hold it to my nose and blow the blood clot out then throw the rag away. 

I wipe my nose but wince at the road rash "here" he throws a cream and band-aids at me "thanks" I set them to the side when my phone rings "fuck.." Ben was calling and I did not want to answer since I still sounded stuffy. I answer the call and keep it away from my ear knowing damn well he called Harper first "Gogo! are you ok? what happened with that guy Aiden? do you need me to kick his ass? where are you? did he do-" I cut him off "Ben!". I put the phone back to my ear and flip Jimmy off who was trying not to laugh "i'm fine nothing happened i'll be back home in about an hour or so I just had to talk with him" my bluff would've worked if I didn't sound the way I did. He picked up on it easily "Gogo.. I know you well enough to know when you had a bloody nose, either that or you were crying but you haven't done that since your dad died so I don't think you did but I wanna know what happened without you lying to me, i'm not sitting to the side again you know what happened last time".

The last time I hid the fact that I was struggling was right after my dad died, my mom got all crazy and abusive. I showed up to school with bruises and blamed it on training to get stronger so that I didn't worry Ben, he found out about it and asked if I was ok so I said it was under control when it was getting worse. The next week I got sent to the hospital because of my mother, CPS sent me to live with my sister and Ben was torn up and warned me about it "I know ok, i'm fine honestly and if he shows up again i'll call you then you can kick his ass". Jimmy raises an eyebrow "one second" I pull the phone away from my ear after hearing a faint ok "shut the fuck up I don't wanna hear it" he puts his hands up "fine fine" I put the phone back to my ear. I heard Ben gasp "you're with him aren't you" I sigh "yeah" I could only imagine the smirk he had "ok don't have to much fun" I groan "oh shut up you don't get to say anything you-" he starts yelling "you say it and i'll come right through this phone".

I laugh "fine fine" Jimmy looked curious now and I put a finger up to say later "talk later?" I turn my attention back to Ben when he said this "yeah talk later" we both hang up and Jimmy looked even more curious "what was that". I jump off the counter "Ben likes someone on your side, though it's nothing serious he said he's moving away after graduation so he's not going to make a move" he nods "yeah everyone in my group is planning on leaving so any relationship is between people going to the same place". I shrug "I don't really know what i'm going to do, I guess i'll just go with the flow" he leans against the counter "that seems like something you would do actually" I shrug "it's so hard to be me" he rolls his eyes "I bet it is" I flip him off and cross my arms "dick".

I blush when he chuckles and blush worse when he points it out "you're looking a little red there" I shrug "I think you're seeing things" he smirks "you and Ben were talking about me before you brought up his crush weren't you". I shrug "I don't know" I pout and look to the side "you look cute like that" I felt the blush worsen "see blushing" I push him the re-cross my arms "when did it start" I glare and send him a challenging look "when did what start". He smirks and accepts the challenge "the crush you have on me" I smirk slightly "what crush I don't see one" he shrugs "I guess you won't mind if I go ahead and change then, I keep extra clothes here". I shrug "that's fine" I was trying to keep my cool and didn't even know if I was succeeding "you alright" I nod while he removes his shirt, I try to keep my eyes down and even pulled out my phone but nothing worked. 

He turns and smirks at me "you're not good at hiding this you know" I groan "alright fine I give in game over" he nods "I thought so" I cross my arms "cheater" he shrugs and leans against the counter right next to me. I glare "whatever you're thinking no" he smirks "really do you mean it though" I let my arms drop "depends on what it is" he puts his hands on either side of me "what's your limit" I shrug "we'll see". He leans in and kisses me roughly, I kissed back just as rough and wrapped my arms around his neck "shirt is coming off" he raises my shirt over my head only stopping when I grab my nose and wince "I forgot". He nods "yeah me too" he grabs the cream for burns and rubs some on my nose then puts the band-aid on it "there" I scrunch my nose "I look like an idiot" he shakes his head "I think you look cute" I cross my arms "right totally".


AN: I honestly didn't know where to go with this so this is your ending you're welcome :)

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