Ben x Gray

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AN: thank you @Shoaff for the request and I was hoping someone would choose this one, also 18 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!


I was working in my classroom as usual when Alec and Ben walked in, I acted like I didn't see them and kept working while they made their way over "hey Eugene, Gray" I looked up at them "hey" Eugene smiles "hey Ben, hey Alex" he blushes slightly at Alex. Eugene told me a couple days ago that he liked Alex and I planned on telling Ben so we could get them together "hey we were wondering if you wanted to hang out after school" Eugene replied at once "sure!" I think for a minute 'I need to talk to Ben anyway' "sure".

Ben smiles and jumps around "really?!" I nod "I need to talk to you about something anyway" he celebrates and Alex looks at Eugene's work "what are you working on?" there was only one time he asked what I was working on and he never asked again, probably because it was college work "Gray gave me work and told me to ask if I needed help". Alec watched as he worked and Ben was watching me "I can only think jello while watching you work on this" I smile and he gasps "did I make you smile" Alex looks over and shakes his head at him. 

-after school-

Me and Eugene meet everyone outside "I don't know where we're going but i'm bored so you guys get to be bored with me" Ben says as he leads us and Alex groans "what's so bad about this?" I ask him. Alex sighs "last time he took me with him we almost got arrested" Ben yells back "it wasn't that bad" Alex rolls his eyes and we continue walking until Ben gets distracted by a park "alright Gogo ready" Alex nods and they race through the park. In the end Ben only won because Alex stumbled over his own feet and denied that he was ever losing "oh Gray you had something you wanted to talk to me about right?" I nod and we walk away from the group.

We ended up on the bridge "so what is it?" we sit down and I try to keep my voice down "Eugene likes Alex" his jaw drops instantly "OH MY GOOOOOD, I FUCKING KNEW IT" I shush him and he nods "so we need a plan to get them together". I nod "do you know if Alex likes him" he shrugs "I can find out" I stand "that's the first step, where do you want to meet to discuss things after" he shrugs and stands as well "you can come to mine". We head back to the group to find Alex and Teddy arguing about a game "what are you idiots doing now" Ben runs over to them stopping the argument immediately and Eugene comes up to me "what did you talk to Ben about" I point to Alex and he blushes "you didn't" I barely smile and he groans "go hang out with him" he nods and runs over to them.

-a day later-

Ben and Alex came to our class like usual and Ben walked in smiling like an idiot "oh no.." Eugene follows my gaze"I wonder what he did this time" Alex grumbles about Ben being an idiot and Ben leans down next to me "he likes him too, he's just to chicken to make a move". I nod and Alex glares at Ben "you can't be mad at me forever Gogo" he scowls more and ignores him "what did you do". He laughs and scratches the back of his neck "well after you guys left I may have trespassed on private property and while he was yelling at me to stop I kept going, long story short we had a pretty long sprint yesterday". 

Eugene laughs but after a glare from Alex he puts his head on the desk trying to contain his laughter "why is he this mad though" Ben gets more nervous "well last time I told him it would never happen again". Alex continues to ignore him and talks to Eugene instead "what's your homework for today?" Eugene tells him how to work out the equations while he listens to every word. Ben smirks and looks at me "my house today" I nod and they leave while Ben tries to get Alex to talk to him.

-a couple days later-

Me and Ben were spying on Eugene and Alex at the moment while they were at the park, we had been getting closer since we started this mission "look they're getting closer" Ben shakes my shoulder smiling like an idiot. They finally kiss and I cover Ben's mouth before he yells, we sneak away from them and head to Ben's "that took forever" he flops on his bed and I mark out the last of our plan since we already got them together. I sit next to Ben and sigh "thanks for the help" he sits up and laughs "really it didn't take much work, they already liked each other and needed an extra push"I nod and sit cross legged "I know just not very good at the whole love thing".

He laughs "well I think you're good with other people's emotions, just not your own" I look at my lap "yeah.." I already figured out that I liked Ben, I just don't know how to show it or how to initiate it. Luckily I didn't have to because he did "but you are not good at hiding when you like someone" he leans forward pushing me into the bed and kisses me, I rest my hands on his chest while he had a hand next to my head holding himself up and his other hand resting on my hip. He stops kissing me for a minute "looks like 2 couples came together today, and you know Alex is gonna tell me everything about his and Eugene's kiss" I nod "yeah Eugene is gonna avoid it at all costs, until he can work up the guts to tell me and it's gonna be almost a whisper"he laughs and we both fall asleep cuddling.


AN: so this is it I really could't think of anything for it and for anyone wondering I was born on September 20th, 2006. This year I am turning 15 and me being the dumbass I am invited my crush to my birthday party, wish me luck because either me or my family is gonna embarrass me. 

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