Gray x Stephen

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It's been about a year since i've seen my crush, he got admitted to another hospital and I haven't seen him since the day of the accident. I refused to let anyone get that close to me in fear that I might gain a crush on them and forget about him, now we're in the hospital waiting to hear about Alex. The fight got bad and even I didn't make it out unscathed but Alex got the worst of it Jimmy and Jack had teamed up on him before we got there and he was out cold before the end, and even I have gotten attached to him and Ben they just seem like a lot of fun.

We got called back and a nurse led us back but a familiar name caught my eye I stop at the door and look inside seeing that same face I saw for less that a year but admired so much. I stare for a minute before I actually spoke "S-Stephen?.." he looks over at me confused "Gray?" he smiles with tears in his eyes, before anything happens Alex's face runs through my mind "are you allowed to walk around the hospital" he nods and we find the group surrounding Alex.

He looks at me confused "what are we doing here" I smile at him and hug him putting my arms around his neck, he snakes them around my waist "these are my friends" he pulls away surprised "you made more friends?!". I punch him playfully "I can make friend and one of them got hurt so give me a minute" I turn to Ben "how is he" Ben smiles knowing who it is "he's gonna be fine he has a broken nose and a couple broken ribs along with a busted lip".

I decide to tease him a bit "are you worried about your Gogo?" I phrased it as a actual question making him laugh "are you worried about your Stephen?" I blush a bit "no he's fine I was worried before but not anymore". We silently make a truce and I turn back to Stephen who was distracted by Alex "what happened to him" I make the smallest story possible because way to much happened "well our group got in a fight with Yoosun and Jimmy and Jack teamed up on him" he nods "I know them...wait you got in a fight! are you ok? who was it? was it someone from middle school?".

I shush him and I can already tell the rest of the group are confused "there's a lot we need to catch up we'll start with after the accident I had studied fighting and promised myself to never loose a fight again and anyone who picked on me or them got their ass kicked". He smiles brightly "i'm so proud of you" he pulls away and everything hit me at once all the time I missed with him the day I found out he was hospitalized, and the tears flowed out of my eyes.

Stephen freaks out "why are you crying what happened!?" I wipe my eyes "it's just...I thought i'd never see you smile again or see you pout when I would win". He smiles softly and hugs my letting me cry into his shoulder, but in the middle of the hug "mmm..." I heard coughing and turned around. Alex woke up "ow...fucking hell" Ben's face brightened up "Gogo!" Alex smiles "hey your all here along with someone else...hey uh Alex Go nice to meet you" Stephen smiles brightly at him "Stephen Ahn nice to meet you too" Alex freezes "wait Gray's Staphen" I nod.

He nods back "explains the tears" I wipe my eyes more and walk over to Ben and whisper in his ear "now would be the time to kiss him it would make him feel better" he just speaks out loud "how do you know" I whisper again "he likes you back". He just decides to go with it and I watch as Ben walks over to Alex while he's talking to Eugene, Ben grabs Alex's hand and tilts his head towards himself and I grab Stephen's hand waiting for the kiss.

Ben connects their lips while Alex kisses back closes his eyes and grabs Ben's bicep, I smile at them not noticing Stephen staring at me. Ben pulls away and cups Alex's face "Ben?" he continues staring at him answering after a couple minutes "Alex Go, Gogo will you be my boyfriend" all eyes were on them. Alex nods slowly and Ben hugs him careful of his nose and ribs, Stephen squeezes my hand and I look up at him "hm?" he smirks "were you being a wing man" I look at the others who were staring at me and Ben was trying not to laugh "well....I might've helped leave them alone in a room a couple times and told Ben to kiss him tonight because he wasn't sure".

He laughs at me and I laugh at Alex's face "I knew something was up when you whispered something to Ben" I smile and shrug. I feel like I smile more with Stephen around and it makes me happy knowing he's ok "hey Gray i'm out of the hospital for good in a couple weeks wanna hang at your place like old times".  I nod at him smiling like crazy and Eugene starts talking "Gray did the marker come out of your shirt" I nod at him "yeah thanks" Stephen stops me from saying anything else by wrapping his arms around my waist and turning my head towards him kissing me.

I'm taken by surprise and let out a little squeek and kiss back, he pulls away "sorry wanted to do that in case we get separated again". We all ended up sleeping there that night, I was cudding with Stephen in a chair and Alex had pulled Ben into the bed with him no matter how much the nurse nor Ben complained about him hurting himself.

-Little Ben x Alex extra in Ben's pov- 

In the middle of the night I woke up to hear groaning and a couple sniffles I look at Gogo and see tears running down his face, I shake him a bit and he slowly opens his eyes squinting a little "you ok" he shakes his head "my sides and nose hurt" I nod "do you need me to call the nurse in here and when you get discharged you can stay at mine". He clenches my shirt "no it's fine and yea I want to stay with you my parents will be ok with it knowing it's you" I smile at him and kiss him trying to take the pain off his mind.

I thought it was working until he was whimpering into the kiss, so I pull away "are you sure you don't want me to call the nurse she can give you pain meds" he shakes his head again "i'll be ok". I sigh and notice something on the counter behind him I pick it up and read the note attached:

Dear Ben,

For when he wakes up in pain it'll start to work in a couple minutes try to get him back to sleep:).

             -his nurse Stacy

I sigh in relief and give him the shot through his I.V and hug him "just go to sleep and the pain will go away" he nods already drowsy "thanks Ben" I nod and he buries his face in my chest, I fall asleep soon after and take him to my house in the morning where we spend all day inside and watching movies so we don't put to much strain on his body.

AN: so this one is jumping a lot but all in all I like it I think the next one is the new one of Gray x Alex

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