Donald x Gray

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-@IloveItadorisomuch thanks for the request-


Ben called everyone to the pool hall to talk about some things and they sounded serious surprisingly coming from Ben so I went to see what the problem was "oh good Gray's here" I look around and see some familiar faces other than my group "Gray you know Wolf, Jimmy, Jake, and Jack". I nod "this is Forrest, Grape, Kingsley, and Donald" he points to each as he explains this "ok what's the point of calling me here I don't care about the union" he nods "I know, Eugene thought it would be important you be here".

I sit next to Alex "ok" they talk for what feels like forever but something starts between Jack and Alex like usual "shit" Ben jumps up and tries to pry his boyfriend off of Jack and Jimmy stands up ready to fight "Gogo." Alex stops and looks back at Ben "stop". He sighs and sits back next to me and I pinch the bridge if my nose and lean over "what happened" he shakes his head and continues to look away from everyone, Ben sits on the other side of Alex again "sorry I think i'm gonna have to get a leash for him". Alex's jaw drops and Ben holds back a laugh but the smile is prominent on his face "ok lets continue" they continue talking and it ends up to be a conversation between Ben and Jimmy, I feel someone staring at me and look around finally meeting a pair of piercing red eyes. 

I don't know why Donald Na is staring at me but it pisses me off especially with that stupid smirk 'why is he staring at me...he's hot but- nope can't hold eye contact' I look away and focus on my hands confused about my own thoughts "so your saying that you want us to focus on you and not your friends". I look up as Ben nods "they don't need to be pulled into this" Jimmy scoff "whether you like it or not your boyfriend is already pulled into it just like mine is" it continues like this until Ben gives up "fine we're leaving" everyone gets up to leave and Alex puts his arm around my shoulders "guess we didn't need to call you here after all" I nod "ye-" I get cut off when both of us are pulled back into the room and the door is slammed shut.

We land on our backs and are immediately held there, hands cover our mouths "mmf!" Alex tries to yell at them but can't, we're met with the eyes of Jimmy Bae "sorry but this has to happen" he puts cloths over our noses and mouths then we're both out. I was the first to wake up and realize we were somewhere else "huh?" I look around and we're in a empty room with cement floors, I scoot over and shake Alex "hey wake up" he doesn't move so I continue to shake him "WAKE THE FUCK UP" he jumps awake "what?". I laugh at him and his jaw drops "seriously" I nod and he crosses his arms "where are we" I shrug "no idea" he looks around "I hope Ben is ok and this place feels familiar".

Our hands are tied behind our backs and our feet are tied together "Alex turn around" he turns his back to me and I untie his hands after struggling for a while "thanks" I nod and he unties my hands "I wonder if anyone is watching us" I stand up and look out the little window on our door trying to see anyone. I shake my head "I don't see anyone" I sit back next to him "how did you and Ben get together I keep forgetting to ask" he blushes " was taking a walk and ended up seeing Ben and he looked different troubled almost but I scared him when I tapped on his shoulder and he pinned me to the wall". He stops looking for a reaction "then when he realized it was me he leaned down and kissed me" I clap slowly "well told story but like he didn't say anything to you" he shakes his head "nope" the door clicks open and both our heads snap that way "how did you 2 get out".

It was Jack "none of your business" the glare at each other "we need Gray" I stand "the only way your getting me out of here is if you let Alex go" he nods "we weren't after him" Jack leads us to a door and Alex leaves after me having to bribe him then Jack takes me to a different door. Donald was waiting on the other side and I try to push out my earlier thoughts "thank you Jack you can leave" I stand in the middle of the room "Gray right" I nod "you caught my eye during the meeting because I saw recognition of my name in your eyes but no fear". I shrug "i'm not scared of you" he stands "I know but that's what confuses me everyone that knows me is afraid but you weren't and I wanna know why" 'was this really why he wanted me here' "i'm not afraid of something i've never experienced myself" he walks closer to me "your not even overwhelmed by my presence but I wouldn't expect that from someone who beat Wolf". 

He backs me into the wall "is there anything else you needed" me back hits the wall and he puts his arms on either side of my head "yes" he leans down and kisses me, my eyes widen and my hands find there way to his shoulders. I close my eyes and kiss back while his hands move from the wall to cup my face, he pulls away and lets go of my face "here" he hands me his phone with his contact form pulled up and I put in my number "i'll text you when our date is Jack will show you out". I open the door and leave finding Jack leaning against the wall with his phone in his hand "took him long enough lets go" I leave the building and Alex is waiting there "what happened?" I look back at the building "I think I just got a boyfriend".


AN: we all love the Alex and Gray part because they are obviously good friends ANYWAY hope you enjoyed reading this shit

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