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I want to apollogize for my absence, high school is supposed to be the best years of your life, but it's where my life falls apart. My best friend left I forgot if I said this, she move almost an hour away. Her brother and my crush(?) went with her. My parents don't notice my exsitence anymore, they're too focused on my step aunt. The entire family faught over Christmas which was amazing. I have to sell my dirtbike, which is my favorite thing in the entire world. I got first chair...which is supposed to be a good thing but the seniors didn't appreciate it, now they point and laugh at me in the hall. I started playing guitar, but I was told I need to get better. After this year I hope my sophomore year is better, I don't know if I can handle another year like this.

The nest year of my life was in 8th grade when I started this series, and the positive feedback I continue to get on this makes my day so much better. I started writing a book, on paper instead of typing. I feel like it means more that way, but I also am not scrambling to write in it and get another chapter out. There are 4-5 people that regularly comment on my stories and it just brightens my day, since I often wake up angry; when I check my notifications and see comments on the post I just made it makes me feel like I won the lottery so thank you for just reading the content I put out.

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