Gray x Grape

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AN: this was voted on by @ilovestudioghibli and I don't know how I did that but I did and I don't know how to do it again......whatever this is gonna be a mafia AU because why not


Well I just wanna say this shit sucks, but before I explain what is going on now lets start from the beginning, which was about 2 hours ago:

I watch Robin down another drink, knowing that i'll have to drive him home I try to get him to slow down "Robin come on man lets get going" Forrest died in crossfire today and this was hard for all of us but Robin took me with him to get drinks trying to drown his thoughts. He pushes me away "in a minute I can still think straight" I sigh and sit "fine", I wait for him to finish drinking which was about an hour later "o-ok I- what was I saying". I help him out the bar and get him in the car before running to the other side and driving back, when we do I get him out of the car and try to lead him into the house but he pushes me to the wall and gets close to my face. 

He puts a lot of his weight on me and the rust on the door digs into my back "hey....Grape-" he gets closer "you're really cute" I try to push him away "Robin quit it" he forcefully kisses me "mmf" I push him back and wipe my mouth "I don't care how drunk you are I will kick your ass". He pushes me into the wall and looks pissed "why do you keep pushing me away" he pushes me harder into the wall and I feel the blood drip down my back "I like someone else" he somehow gets more angry "who? is it scorpion?" I shake my head "no". I can't tell him because Gray is from a different gang and he might kill me, thank god the door opened "what is going on out here" it's fucking scorpion "this asshole is drunk" Robin doesn't pay any attention to him and glares at me "it's gray from the gang in the city over isn't it, I see you staring at him when we go on missions". 

~back to now~

He figured it out fast and had people come after me since he's too drunk to run, the only thing they don't know is that i'm a spy from that gang and i'm friends with Gray, that's the only reason that gang has been to every mission we've had. I can only hope he got the text I sent him, I pull out my phone to see if he at least saw it "got you" I drop my phone and a bag is placed over my head "now lets see here, who's this" my hands are tied together and i'm thrown to the ground "well looks like we found the leak, fucking traitor" I hear my phone shatter "I don't think you'll be needing that". I groan as I feel a kick land on my stomach "oo damn, that looks pretty bad" he kicks my back and I feel skin tear from the already open sores on my back "that probably hurts" he kicks me a couple more times before a voice stops him and makes me smile "hey get the hell out of here".

I only hear footsteps before the bag is taken off my head "damn you're paler than a ghost" I see the rest of the gang behind Gray "where is all the blood coming from" he asks me this while untying my hands "my back". He helps me up and gets me into the truck "alright lets get going i'm ready to leave this city" we all pile in and Ben drives back to their base with Alex up front with him. I know they like each other but neither of them will admit it, they also know that I like Gray and keep telling me to tell him "well you were in there for about 2 years, not even I know how you survived that long, but it is about time you got caught". I nod at what Gray said "I did have good times with them though" Gray nods "well I guess you don't hang out with people for 2 years without having fun with it".

We finally get back and they get me into the medical room "lay on the table there" I lay on the table and wait for gray to get back with the supplies for my back "ready" I nod and get ready for this long and painful process. He finishes about an hour later and I doze off waiting to get the ok to move off the table "hey don't close your eyes just yet we need to get you to my room because we need to actually find the key to yours". He leads me though the halls and finally into his room"we need to get some rest it's already midnight"he lays me on the bed and gets on the other side facing away from me.

I wake up in extreme pain and turn on Gray's phone to check the time, I groan when I see it's only 3:15am and painfully sit up "damnit" I stumble into the kitchen and get a glass of water but I can barely drink it due to how shaky my hands are. I end up dropping it "good thing I grabbed a plastic cup" I pick the cup up and throw a towel on the ground "why are you up" I jump and turn around seeing Gray walking in wiping his eyes while he's shirtless "my fucking back hurts" he walks over and lifts the shirt that was loosely hanging off my shoulders "looks better than it did". I went to bend down to pick up the towel but he stopped me "that'll make it worse" he picks it up "follow me, I have some painkillers" I follow him into the bathroom and he hands me a couple pills that I swallow with some water.

He leads me back to his room and lays me back down except he's closer to me than last time and we were facing each other "if they don't kick in soon tell me and i'll give you something stronger". I nod while my eyelids drift closed and just like that it was morning and I was cuddled up to Gray as the sun peeked through the curtains "mm morning Grape" he opens his eyes slightly and I meet his gaze. It feels a little awkward but neither of us look away "you know what Ben and Alex told me" I hum "hm?" he smirks "they told me you liked me and it was obvious, so I paid attention to what you did and said and noticed it as well". I blush "well" he kisses me quickly then pulls away "don't stress about it I like you too" he gets up and walks out yelling back to me "tell me if your back it hurting to much, I can give you more painkillers".


AN: so this one was a little easier to write that I thought and I am mentally thanking the people who vote on what I should write or else I would end up ending this book and giving up on it

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