This Christmas

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You had never met anyone like Perrie Edwards. A beautiful, bubbly, ever pleasant ray of sunshine, who for some unknown reason chose to love you.

You never did understand it. Yet, somehow there you stood, in your parent's kitchen on Christmas Eve baking cookies with the goofy powerhouse of Little Mix.

You couldn't help but laugh as Perrie danced carelessly around the kitchen island, in time to the Christmas music you have blaring over the speaker, powdered sugar outlining her face and woven intricately through her golden hair.

You couldn't help but wonder how she had gotten it all over herself, but then again this was Perrie. Expecting less would be like expecting the sun not to shine or the tides not to turn. And you never wanted to expect anything less. Perrie kept you on your toes and you absolutely loved that about her.

"Babe," You snorted, shaking your head as you shared an amused glance with Perrie's mam, Deb, who was tucked comfortably in the corner of the living room, striking up a conversation with your parents. "What are you doing?"

"Dancin'." Your girlfriend answered simply, a goofy smile lighting up her face as she danced her way over to you. Then proceeded to grab your arm and spin you under her own.

"Dance with me." She whispered.

You shook your head and rolled your eyes in amusement, gently pushing her away to refocusing your attention on the cookies before you. But Perrie wasn't going to let you off that easily.

So, instead, she came up behind you and gently slid her arms around your waist, holding you close to her. And when you didn't make any effort to move away, she gently began to sway to the rhythm of the music; singing softly into your ear.

Suddenly, you couldn't focus. It had been so long since Perrie had held you like this and you almost forgot what it felt like.

She was always away on tour, or in the studio, or doing promotion interviews. It just came with the territory of dating a member of one of the most successful girl groups in the world. It was territory that you both hated, but a sacrifice that you were both willing to make. And you did so everyday.

But in that moment, you realized just how much you had truly missed her. So you let her hold you, and sway endlessly to the over played tunes of the holidays as she sweetly serenaded you.

It was an hour or two later when you finally finished decorating the cookies. Eventually being joined by Perrie's cousin, Ellie, and your siblings when they arrived with their families around noon. And from there the party took off.

There was eggnog (which Perrie detested yet drank anyhow. She argued that it was for the "buzz," but was quickly shot down when you told her about the lack of alcohol), seemingly endless rounds of Pictionary (which Perrie failed miserably at. "I can't help it." She would argue. "My mind just goes blank. I can't think of anythin'." You laugh at her expense, simply reminding her of the "fish & noodles" incident back in Japan), and family sing alongs (mostly led by you and Perrie, but blissfully enjoyed by everyone).

Even Jesy, Jade, and Leigh-Anne managed to make a special guest appearance before the night ended, with an even more special surprise in store for you.

You almost lost your mind when Perrie led you over to the grand piano, patting the seat beside her for you to sit on. The girls following her suit, mischievous smiles tracing each of their faces. And then when Perrie smiled softly at you, you swore your heart melted.

"We wrote this song for you Y/N." Your girlfriend announced with a smile, her eyes twinkling ever so brightly. "I hope you like it."

And just like that, they dove into the song. Perrie's fingers effortlessly dancing across the keys as she played the intro to their song. Each girl, joining in effortlessly on the harmonies and you listened as the song began to come together.

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