It's You and Me

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You had been standing out side for what felt like forever. Your arms draped over the railings of your balcony, your eyes trained on the stars above, dancing across the midnight sky.

    You couldn't sleep, there was too many thoughts running through your mind, keeping you awake into the early morning hours. And the stars calmed you.

    For as long as you could remember, whenever you felt a sense of trouble brewing inside you, you would take comfort in the stars, especially when it felt like you had no one there to do so.

    You could just stare off into the never ending expansion of the galaxy and imagine a place where you could no longer feel pain. A place where the scars written across your heart had finally healed and blossomed into something beautiful. A place that you had only once found down on Earth.

A paradise of your own.

    You were pulled back down to reality when you felt two arms wrap around your waist and a pair of lips press a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade.

"Perrie." You whispered, leaning back into her touch.
    You heard your girlfriend hum sleepily into you ear as she rested her chin on your shoulder with a tired yawn.

You couldn't help the small smile that slipped onto your face.

    Perrie always made you smile. No matter what the weather, she was always there to bring a shred of light back into the darkness of your ever forlorn world. And just like the stars, Perrie Edwards somehow managed to make you feel whole.

"What are you doing up?" You whispered into the wind.

    Perrie's grip tightened around your waist. "I was worried." She murmured against your skin. "I woke up and ya were gone." Perrie paused for a moment and buried her face into your neck, placing a soft kiss against the skin there. "Ya been off all day B. What's goin' on in that big brain of ya's?"

    You sighed and leaned your head back against Perrie's. "Honestly," You breathed. "I don't know. I just haven't really been feeling like myself lately. I feel so lost Per. And I'm so fucking stressed and you know how I get when I get stressed. I just shut down and I feel like I can't do anything!"

    "Hey," Perrie said, turning you around so you were facing her, and placed her hands on either side of your face. "Look at me." She whispered, baby blues boring into chocolate brown. "Don't shut down okay? Just let me help ya."
    You opened you mouth to argue but Perrie was quick to shut you up. "Let me help ya B. We're a team. Ya don't 'ave to do this all by ya'self anymore. Just let me help."

    You nodded at Perrie's words, feeling tears swelling in your eyes and you suddenly felt so stupid. But you couldn't help it. Nobody had ever cared for you in the way that Perrie had. You were always left to bear the weight of a thousand worlds all on your own.

    But it was different with Perrie. She was willing to bear that burden with you whilst facing the wrath of a thousand suns.

    Perrie smiled as you nodded and leaned up to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "Come on," she whispered, taking your hand in her's. "Let's try 'nd get so sleep. The stars'll be there tomorrow."

    You didn't hesitate in following your girlfriend back into your bedroom, allowing her to guide you back over to the bed. You chuckled light as Perrie placed a soft peck and tucked you in before sliding in beside you and wrapping her arms around your waist.

    As soon as Perrie's warmth washed over you, you felt the comforting spell of sleep pulling at your tired mind and openly accepted it's invitation, falling to sleep to the sound of Perrie's whispered "I love you."

Perrie Edwards ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now