Ain't No Thing When I'm With You

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As if going to the movie theatre by yourself wasn't already humiliating enough, you just had to sit yourself in front of the two most obnoxious guys in the world.

    Ever since you had taken your seat, they had insisted on torturing you. Whether it was from throwing popcorn at the back of your head or kicking the back of your seat to drive you crazy or just straight up calling you names and making fun of the fact that you were alone, they tortured you.

    You contemplated moving your seat several times, but you knew that that would just egg the boys on even more.

And that the last thing you needed.

    So, you kept your head down and endured the torture, hoping that the movie you were here to see would make living through hell worth the wait.

    'Maybe they'll settle down once the movie starts.' You reasoned to yourself. But you knew it wasn't likely. You've had plenty of experience with bullies to know differently.

Still, you tried to be optimistic.


    Perrie had been watching the whole thing from a few rows above you, where she sat with her three best friends, her hand clenched into fists as she dug her fingernails into her palms, almost certain that she had drawn blood.

    It had taken everything in her power to not march up to those boys and knock their heads together.

Perrie hated bullying.

It was the one thing she didn't tolerate, especially not after Jesy.

    She had nearly lost her best friend because it and she was not about to let the same thing happen to anyone else.

So, with a murderous glare towards the boys, Perrie stood.

    Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy's eyes immediately caught her's. She could see the confusion written all across their faces as they asked what she was doing.

    But Perrie didn't give a straight answer. She simply beamed at her friends and whispered, "I have an idea," before disappearing through the door.

    She returned a couple minutes later with a large bucket of popcorn and snuck down the aisle way, shooting her friends a subtle nod as she passed them, and continued down to you, before sliding into the seat beside you.

"I'm back babe." She whispered, just loud enough for the boys to hear.


    You whipped your head up at the sound of the girl's voice, eyes wide. But Perrie merely smiled softly at you and continued talking.

    "Sorry I took so long." She laughed. "The line at concessions was huge. Who knew 50¢ popcorn day could attract such a crowd?"

    You chuckled lightly and offered the girl beside you a smile of your own, noting how the boys behind you were suddenly still.

    "I got extra butter." Perrie smiled, taking your hand in hers and intertwining your fingers. Her eyes silently asking you if it was okay.

    You nodded and beamed at the girl. "Just how I like it." And without a second longer to think on it, you gently rested your head on her shoulder and sighed, whispering a soft thank you for only her to hear.

    And that was how the two of you stayed for the rest of the movie. Your fingers intertwined, your head on her shoulder as the two of you casually shared the comically large bucket of popcorn.

And the boys didn't bother you again.


    When the movie ended and your tormentors were no where in sight, you half expected Perrie to run off to wherever and whomever she had been with before she had so graciously came to your rescue.

But she didn't.

    Instead, she turned to you with a goofy smile and offered you her hand. "I'm Perrie." She introduced herself, her accent falling back play and throwing you for a loop.

    "B." You said taking her outstretched hand and giving it a firm shake before dropping your own hand back to your side.

    "Well, B, it was lovely to meet ya." She giggled as she stepped into the aisle with a goofy curtesy and waited for you to join her before the two of you started towards the theatre doors. "I'm sorry if I made ya uncomfortable. I just didn't know what else to do. Those guys were being total shites."

    You looked down at her and shook your head. "No, no, you didn't make me uncomfortable. Surprised, but not uncomfortable. Besides you kind of saved me from a whole three hours worth of torment, so thank you."

    When the two of you reached the doors, Perrie quickly surged ahead and held the door open for you, offering up and little bow and a "m'lady" as you passed. And you couldn't help but throw your head back in a fit of laughter at how ridiculous the girl could be.

    Perrie seemed extremely pleased with her though and smiled smugly at you when she rejoined you at your side.

You playfully bumped her shoulder with your own. "Dork."

    Perrie shrugged with a light chuckle. "So tell me. Do ya always come to the movies alone? Or was this just a one time thin'?"

    "Definitely a one time thing." You answered. "My friends cancelled on me. Last minute gig or something." You shrugged nonchalantly.

    Perrie opened her mouth like she was about to reply, but as soon as the two you entered the lobby, her name was shouted across the room.

    Your eyes were immediately drawn to a group of three girls huddled near the women's restroom, waving Perrie over to them.

    "Please tell me you didn't ditch your friends to come and save me from some low grade bullies." You said teasingly.

The girl bowed her head and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "I might've."

"You didn't have to-"

"I did." Perrie said, cutting you off. "I really did."

    You smiled gratefully at her. "Well thank you." You glanced back toward the three girls, who were impatiently waiting for Perrie to rejoin them and nodded in their direction. "I should go. It was really great to meet you Perrie."

    Just as you turned to leave, Perrie wrapped her fingers around your wrist and pulled you back.

    Pulling out her ticket and a sharpie from her pocket (and moaning something about autographs as if that explained everything), Perrie quickly scribbled her number down across the parchment and handed to you with a shy smile.

    "Call me." She whispered. And you nodded, shooting her one last smile before disappearing through the doors.

    When Perrie made her way back to her friends, she couldn't help but notice the smug smiles illuminating all three of their faces.

    "Well, I'd say, little baby Pez has a crush." Jesy teased, nudging Perrie's shoulder with own as the younger girl proceeded to blush.

    "Aww Pez!" Leigh-Anne cooed, reaching forward to pinch the blonde girl's cheeks as she did so.

    Perrie swatted the older girl's hands away and pouted, crossing her arms across her chest. "I do not."

    Jade swung an arm over Perrie shoulder and snorted. "Aw Pezza, leave it to ya to fall in luve with some random gerl at a film. Ye're too cute."

    The blonde girl blushed once more and let out a final huff with a pout, causing the three other girls laugh. "You're adorable Pez."

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