Stranded on Christmas

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It was a beautiful Christmas Eve morning. Christmas snow covering the the world in a blanket of white as it drifted, heavily, down around you, and you couldn't help but shake your head at the sight.

    Eight years without snow and you were just starting to get used to the drizzle that lit up every Christmas morning since you were sixteen. Eight years and now you were going to miss it, because Christmas didn't stop crime.

    You got a call earlier that morning from Interpol. There was a body that they needed you to ID as soon as possible, and being the best forensic pathologist in the world meant that you were to be on a plane no matter what the occasion.

    Your best friend was absolutely devastated when you called. She had been looking forward to finally having a Christmas with you home, and in all honesty so were you. But this was your life and as much as you hated it, you were helping to save lives and somehow that sacrifice was more than worth it.

    So, you begrudgingly made your way into the airport, luggage trailing lazily behind you as you moved up to security. Not even bothering to get in line. You simply just flashed the guards your badge and moved right on through.

    (It was one of the many perks of being FBI and honestly how could you possibly complain about being able to skip a feel up by a stranger?)

    You had just made it to the front desk when you noticed a familiar looking group of girls huddled by a charging port in the corner. Each wearing forlorn looks upon their faces as they talked animatedly into their phones.

    You felt bad for them, but kept walking forward. They weren't the only ones who weren't making it home for Christmas.


    "I'm sorry ma'am but your flight has been delayed." The lady behind the counter told you for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. "We are waiting to see what's going to happen with the weather."

    You sighed in a mix of annoyance and frustration. As if it wasn't bad enough that you weren't going to make it home for Christmas, now you had to wait in an airport for God knows how many hours to wait on a flight that may never leave.

    So, you put on a polite smile and thanked the lady when she said that she'd keep you updated and moved toward the group of girls in the corner.

    You didn't want to disturb them but you needed to charge your phone before the flight and they were huddled near the only open charging port left in the airport.

Taking up the seat diagonal from them, you pointed awkwardly at the port. "May I?"

    The blonde looked up at you with a small smile and suddenly it clicked. You knew exactly why these girls had looked so familiar to you.

    "Sure, go ahead." She almost whispered, trying not to wake her friends who were snuggled into each other and fast asleep on her shoulders.

    You just nodded, sending her a thankful smile and quickly moved to look over the case file Interpol had faxed to you that morning. The 'Jacobo Nyx' case. Another body had shown up in the early hours of the morning, 'Nyx' carved into the victim's chest and it was your job to do the autopsy.

    And if it wasn't the 'most happiest time of the year' you might have actually been excited. But spending Christmas Eve huddle up in an airport,  looking over pictures of dead bodies wasn't exactly how you imagined your day would go.

    There was a series of grunts and groans from beside you, before you felt a dip in the seat next to you. You quickly covered up the images and lifted your gaze to the blonde woman now sitting beside you.

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