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You and Perrie had been best friends ever since the two of you met in New York when she was in town for the wings tour. The two of you had immediately hit it off and after just moments together, you were already best friends.

    It happened in an instant and suddenly the beautiful and bubbly pop-star was a huge part of your life. But being close to Perrie Edwards, meant being close to the rest of Little Mix.

    You and Jade had hit it off pretty quickly. It wasn't anything close to what you had with Perrie, but you still considered Jade to be one of your best friends.

    The two of you were thick as thieves, always sneaking off to do things together without the other girls knowing. Usually it was pranks, and sometimes Jesy or Leigh-Anne would join you, which the two of you didn't mind. It only made it that much more hilarious when the pranks came back and backfired on the girls.

    There was one night, however, when you and Jade snuck away from the group to go and sit out under the stars. It was a beautiful night, with cloudless skies and just cool enough to make you shiver when the breeze blew in, but warm enough that you didn't need a heavy jacket. Jade, of course, still brought her parka (which you teased her endlessly for).
    The two of you relaxed on the roof of the girl's latest venue, laid back and looking up at the stars, naming all the constellations that you could find. There was a moment when Jade sent you a sideways glance and sighed.

"Question?" She mumbled under her breath.

You glanced down at her and smiled. "I might have an answer." You teased.

Jade beamed back at you, playfully shoving your shoulder. "I'm serious."

"So am I." You chortled. "Ask away Jadey."

Jade nodded, her expression turning serious for a moment. "Do ya like Perrie?"

    Your eyes widened and suddenly you felt like you couldn't breathe. "It's totally okay if ya do." Jade quickly reassured, when she noticed your internal panic. "I was just wonderin'. Ya just look at 'er this certain way. I don't know, it's just different from the way ya look at me and the other girls."

    When you still didn't answer, Jade took your hand in hers and intertwined your fingers, in hopes to comfort you. But when you still didn't budge, Jade sighed, sat up, and slid closer to you.

    You could see her smile down at you as she gently reached over to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I like girls too." She whispered and softly kissed your forehead.

    After that night, the two of you grew impossibly closer, but as your bond grew with Jade, the one you had formed with Perrie seemed to be slipping away. And you didn't understand what had happened.

    Jesy kept telling you that it wasn't your fault, that Perrie was just homesick. But you knew from the strayed conversations with the blonde beauty, that there was something else going on.

    You tried everything you possibly could, but Perrie just seemed to want nothing to do with you. And you couldn't help but feel hurt. What could you have possibly done wrong? You just didn't understand.

    So you spent most of your days with Jade and she was always there to comfort you. Between the nearly constant hand holding and you always resting your head on her shoulder every time you sat near each other, you two really did look like a couple. And Perrie hated it.

    Truth was, she was jealous. Seeing you and Jade together really broke her heart, almost as much as avoiding you did. But Perrie had to keep her distance. You were obviously happy with Jade, and as much as Perrie hated it, she couldn't be the reason the two of you weren't together.

So, Perrie just stayed out of your way.

    Her avoidance only lasted for a month and ended promptly when you cornered her in the hall one morning before sound check.

    "Perrie!" You called, wrapping you fingers around her wrist to stop her from going anywhere. "I need to talk to you."

    The blonde shook her head, desperately trying to free herself from your grasp. But you only tightened your grip when she tried to pull away. "Perrie, please!" You cried.

    She sighed and bowed her head. "What?" She whispered. "What could ya possibly want?"

You released your grip, letting your hands fall back to your sides. "I want to talk."

"So talk." Perrie muttered. Talk."

    You shook your head in agitation. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" You practically screamed. "Why do you hate me so much?!"
"I don't hate you!" She tried to argue.

"Then why can't you look at me?!"

"Because I hate her!" Perrie screamed, her eyes finally meeting yours in a rush of anger. "I can't stand seeing the two of you together, okay?! I can't stand it!"

You couldn't help but take a step back in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

    "Ya and Jade okay?!" Perrie cried. "I saw ya two, that night up on the roof, I saw ya; and the two of ya have been inseparable since." She stopped to run her fingers through her hair, gently pulling at her scalp as she did so. "Ya're always together and holding hands, I just can't. I, I can't..." She sobbed.

    You immediately rushed forward to scoop her up in your arms as she fell to the ground in a fit of tears. Your heart wrenched in your chest and you ran your hands through her hair to try and calm her.

    "I c-can't s-stand seeing y-ya and her together." Perrie sobbed into your chest. "It hurts B. It fucking hurts okay? Because I, I love ya and ya're with 'er."

    You swear your heart stopped at Perrie's words and suddenly you understood. Perrie was jealous.

    "Perrie," You whispered into her hair. "I'm not with Jade. We're just friends." You tried to explain. "She was just helping me. You were suddenly so distant, and I just, I didn't know why. And you wouldn't let me close to you."

    When she didn't speak up again, you gently pulled away from her and lifted her chin so that her beautiful blue eyes could meet yours. And for the first time in what felt like forever, you smiled.

"Perrie." You whispered. "I'm in love with you."

    And before you knew it, her lips were on yours and you couldn't help but to kiss her back as you smiled against her lips. Because in that moment nothing else mattered. It was just you and Perrie and nothing could tear you apart.

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