Chapter 29

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Leo's P.O.V

Two weeks. Two weeks without Brooke, it had been two weeks too long. I can't live without her, people have noticed a change in me, they told me. I just can't be happy without her beside me and i feel like what has happened to her is all because of me. Why didn't i just go with her/ I should've used my common sense, who sends a beautiful girl like Brooke onto the streets by themselves late at night. I just can't help but put the blame on me.

I met up with Jeana (Brookes mother) yesterday. She is giving up hope, she seems to be convinced that she is dead. Who thinks that about their own daughter? I know she hasn't passed, my princess is strong enough to fight for her life and i know that... All that is left is to find her and bring her back to me where she belongs. She hasn't done anything to deserve this, so why her?

Brooke's P.O.V

I don't know how long i have been her to be truthful. But however long it has been it has been awful. I have been treated visciously; under fed; locked up in dirty and cramped rooms and then ignored if i asked for help.

I am sitting on my tiny, springy mattress that Harvey so kindly let me have. The blanket was scratchy and the pillow was lumpy so i hardly ever got a good nights sleep, but then again i was only going to be hurt later on in the day so why would i need to rest.


"Get up, you stink, the shower is ready." Harvey harshly spat. He doesn't even care for me anymore he just uses me like a toy. I feel disgusted with myself and i don't want anything to do with Harvey but i don't really have a choice whether i like it or not. I am lucky to be alive to tell the truth.

I could be dead right now, so i should be grateful.

I stepped into the shower. It's terrible, but then again i am living in Harvey's basement that he has to keep me in while he lives upstairs in a perfectly good apartment. I would like to know where he gets the money from to be able to afford this kinda place, he is only a student like us but maybe his parents are wealthy. I hope that they know that they made a disgusting child who should be locked away in prison so he could never harm anybody like he has harmed me. Just the thought of him doing this to some other completly innocent woman makes me sick to the stomach.

As i stepped into the water i washed my body, scrubbing every inch trying to feel clean once again, i know i won't unless i am out of here. I looked down at my body, i didn't look human, my ribs were sticking out and my skin was pale and disgusting. I wasn't myself.

I stepped out of the shower and realised i was sobbing, i hate my life, i was worth nothing but a toy for Harvey that he will surely throw away, i should just kill myself when i next get the chance and rid myself of this misery.

"Hurry up, we don't have all fucking day!" Harvey shouted whilst banging on the bathroom door.

I changed into the new 'clean' clothes that Harvey gave to me to wear, i guess it's better than what i was wearing before but it wasn't that amazing.

I opened the bathroom door and saw him in front of me. "Don't look at me like that, now move, i have to be somewhere because police are out looking for you and i won't let them take my precious little baby away from me, now would i?" Harvey swiped his thumb across my jawline and i flinched away from his touch. I wasn't anybodys but Leondres.

It made me so happy to think that Leo and the police are still looking for me, I still have a chance of escaping this hell hole.

Before i knew it Harvey left through the front door and i heard it slam, I should try and escape. He isn't here and wouldn't know about it... I have a chance!

Leo's P.O.V

I sat in the back of art class. I sat alone, if i couldn't have Brooke i wasn't going to have anybody so i blocked myself off from all reality apart from Charlie and Poppy, they are all i have to support me anymore.

"We are going to be drawing a picture of something or somebody that you love and cherish, you can do it in whatever style that you would like just make it as orignal as possible." Miss Hill said smiling sweetly. Little did she know that the thing that i love and cherish was harshly ripped out of my life and i didn't have a say in it.

I remember one of the days we spent together. We were relaxing and having a movie day, but god she looks so beautiful. Her beautiful blonde hair layed perfectly down her shoulder and her baggy shirt hung perfectly on her hips, sometimes i had to check if she was real becuase she looked like an angel.

I finished sketching and handed the picture to Miss Hill. (Picture attached is what Leo Drew)

I needed to meet up with Charlie and talk, I don't know where Brooke is but i knew she wanted me and Charlie to do something with our lives. So i'm going to do that and then when i get her back she can be proud of how much i have done without her.

Charlie and I are still Bars And Melody, no matter what. We aren't giving up on anything this easily.



Guys tysm for 2k reads and over 50 votes ! You don't understand how happy i was when i logged on to see that so i wrote an extra long chapter that i hope you like :)

Who else is exicted for 'Stay Strong' to come out? I heard the preview the other day and fell in love instantly!

Also guys i feel really bad making Harvey act like this because he isn't like this and he is so kind, i was lucky enough to get tickets to see Team Pink at soccer six on october 26th 2014, Harvey was such a lovely guy to talk to and i honestly love him to peices so don't think i have anything against him because i am making him act this way because i don't :)

Just though i would clarify that, Have a great day loves :)

Keep smiling.

Forever Yours - Leondre Devries- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now