ch. 3

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" my name is Jeongukk "

The boss smirks looking at tae... Tae glares directly at his eyes..

" i don't fucking care who you are.... But stop releasing your pheromone.... You are hurting my hyung "

Tae says in anger...

Jeongukk keeps looking at tae..

Okay hamy, as you wish...

He chuckles....& suddenly the atmosphere doesn't seem suffocating anymore... The men trembling on the floor, starts coughing... Yunho looks at his boss in blurry eyes...

Sweat rolls down from namjoon's forehead... Tae grabs him before he falls down...

You are alright? Tae asks softly.

Namjoon nods slowly...

You called yourself a hoobae?? Tae scoffs looking at Jeongukk... Jeongukk was smirking silently...

A hoobae behaves like this with their sunbae?? You are such a trash...

The men around almost grabs tae's throat, but jeongukk raise his hand to stop them..

That's the first time i have been called that, hamy.... He smirks....

" you are such a wild hamster "

Namjoon warps his hands around tae pulling him towards him, then takes him behind himself hiding him...

I apologize jeongukk... It's my fault.. He doesn't have anything to do with it... He is just a kid... Forgive him...

Jeongukk chuckles...

Kid.... Little hamy...

Tae glares at him hearing that... Jeongukk looks at Namjoon...

That was nothing personal hyung, you don't have to apologize... But...

His smile turns in cold again...

You should apologize for vanishing away just like that.... Jeongukk smirks.

Namjoon keeps silent, then lowers his head... Tae jolts...

I am s~~

Tae grabs his hand...

You won't apologize.... He says firmly....then looks at jeongukk...

It's his choice if he wants to stay somewhere or not... Who the hell you think of yourself that he has to inform you everything?? Tae asks in anger.

Jeongukk chuckles seeing tae that fire up..

His close brother?? He chuckles saying.

Yeah.. Right... Tae scoffs.

You are daring hamy... Jeongukk snorts....

" i like it... "

Tae glares at him hearing that.... Then takes his eyes away...

Sit hyung.... Jeongukk says looking at Namjoon...

You just stay here... Namjoon says softly to tae...


Please... Namjoon request...then walks towards jeongukk & sits in front of him in another couch..

Jeongukk tilts his head...

I was very much hurt hyung... He says smiling....

You knew you are the only friend i got in here... & you vanished like that, so i thought you didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I tried to search for you, but you left no trace behind... As if you never been in there.... So when my men saw you here, i was overwhelmed... Jeongukk smirks..

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