ch. 10

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" take me to papa"


Jeongukk makes a weird noise in confusion....

                                                                        Look at me

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Look at me.... He says firmly..

"Do i look like some good guy?? "

The little girl looks at him... Then shakes her head quickly.... In a 'no'.

Didn't your parents taught you the shit that don't talk to the bad guys....? Don't talk to the strangers??

Jeongukk quotes the words raising his fingers.... The girls nods this time...

Then are you fucking dumb in math or what?? Can't you do the calculation???!!!!

"Bad guy " means... Jeongukk points at himself...


"Stranger" means.... He again points at himself...


How come this is math???

The muscle guy mumbles to the other guy....

Shut up!!!! Jeongukk shouts at him....

S.. Sorry boss.... Muscle guy replies immediately.

Your parents were referring to me when they said not to talk to the bad guy/strangers!!

Jeongukk scoffs at the girl...

Now let go! Before i really eat you alive... !

The little girl raise her head & looks at jeongukk...

You.... Don't...

She mumbles something... Jeongukk frowns...

Are you chewing on your words??? Say it clearly....

She keeps looking for a moment...

" you don't have that big teeth to eat me"


Yunho covers his whole face, quivering to control on his loud laugh.. He turns to the other side, not facing jeongukk.

Muscle guy feels the whole situation drying up his throat, mr. yunho's laughing & their boss's death glare at him, making the whole situation more scary... Should he initiative to throw the kid away?? These days he is doing more mistakes than making things right... Or the boss is gonna brust on him more...????

Keep laughing & you won't be able to laugh anymore...

Jeongukk says in a cold tone to yunho.. The muscle guy assures himself, it's not a good idea to come in between now, so he decides to stay silent..

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