ch. 9

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Jin opens the door slowly.. & looks inside....

Tae was sitting on his bed, warping the blanket around... Leaning to the window, looking outside...

He looks all exhausted... Tired by fighting with himself...

Jin sighs.. Walks inside the room, holding on a tray...

He puts down the tray on the table... Then walks towards the bed... & sits silently...

Tae was still looking outside..

Baby, feeling a little better? Jin asks softly... He rubs tae's feet with his palm..

Tae nods slowly.... He doesn't have any strength left to even speak...

He leans his head on jin's shoulder, closing his eyes..

My whole body aches... All over... Tae whispers...

You were really in pain last got heat few times before... But was those like this? This extreme!?

Jin asks in concern..

No... Tae shakes his head..

I have to talk to my seniors about this sudden reaction.. I think i should change your suppressant to a stronger one.... But tae....

Jin ruffles tae's hair...

You know those are harmful for your body, right? Taking too much can reduce your body temperature & your blood pressure can fall too..i didn't even mention the other complex.... How long you are gonna depend on those... Your body will lose its immunity slowly...

What can i do hyung..there's no other solution, right? Tae says weakly, sighing...

Umm.. You know there's one.. You can consider this for once, at least for your health... Jin murmurs..

What? Tae asks confusedly..

"How about hyung introduce you... To an ALPHA?? "


Tae says raising his head, looking at jin in his eyes...

Listen to me taetae.

I don't wanna listen.. Anything related to any alpha.. I don't wanna hear it again... Tae covers his ears with both palm..

This won't do tae... You are harming yourself more than you think... If things keep going like this, situation will get worsen than it is right now... I am a doctor.. I know what is your body condition.. & what's these suppressant are acting on you... If there's an alpha.. If you BOND with one..things will never be like this ever again.. You won't have to take suppressant any more... Your body will become like it was used to...y~

I don't fucking care!! Tae shouts out..

I don't care if a damned alpha can change my body.. If bonding with a bastard can reduce my pain... I don't fucking care!!

Listen to me god dammit! Jin says in irritation this time.. Tae flinch from him.. & sits a little far... Looking at jin silently..

Taetae.. Jin sighs looking at him..

No one would understand.. I thought you are an omega.. You will understand me... But no... No one can... Even if i say it thousands time.. An alpha will always be the superior, right? See? There isn't even one.. But this is already making us fight... I need to have an alpha to be fine, right!? Tae smirks bitterly..

" alpha will change my body, right?? Didn't they already change my body?? They torn me alive, hyung! Saying it was my fault.. They spread my leg! They left their traces all over me.... Every time they shoved their 'superiority' inside me, they said it was my fault! They filled me up with~~~"

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