ch. 7

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Tae stops what he was doing... & turns to look at jimin..

After reaching home & reassuring lina with the baby sitter, he came back to work, what he left half done... Jimin already came back before him... He managed the counter till now....

Tae takes over on the counter after he comes back... Jimin already organized most of the things... Still he needs tae to Check on the products... So tae was going through the pages, matching up with the computer screen... When jimin stands in front, fidgeting his fingers...

He looks at jimin... About to say something.... When jimin stretches his hand in front, holding on something in his grip...

Tae frowns in confusion..

What is it jimin ah... He says...

Jimin doesn't say anything, but flip his palm & loosen his grip... Tae's mouth opens a little unable to say any seeing what he was holding...

Some pills... & tae knows... They are some kind of ' suppressant'...

He looks at jimin, s face, who was still looking down..

Jimin-ah... Tae murmurs..

Hyung... Jimin says in a low tone...

I know it's scary out there... Being omega isn't easy... It's more tough than it actually looks like. .. But i don't know either... What's the reason is that, you are hiding it... Or even graving your identity in cover of a beta.. There must be something that isn't letting you to..

I won't ask you... Or force you to tell me... But just know that.... Who will love and respect you as you are.... For your girl, it doesn't matter if you are an omega or beta.... She will love her papa no matter what, or even won't hesitate to use her pheromone to protect her papa at only five years.....

& i know it's been only few days... But i do respect you.. Seeing you beating that alpha without fearing, i weren't amazed because a beta beat an alpha... But i was amazed because it was you... You are you hyung, & i think you are cool... Even whatever identity you have... So...

Jimin scratch his head.... Tae was looking at him, smiling softly..

In any case if you don't have these... Or there must me sometimes when you go through some uncomfort... Because being with your true 'identity' isn't easy... but if any time you need anything someone beside can come to me....i don't know if i will be of any help....but being an omega...i might help a little....i won't bother you with my nonsense...i just th~~

Jimin stops, when a caring hand pats on his head....he looks at tae...who has a warm smile on his face...

Thank you "minnie".... He murmurs...

I like that name... Jimin giggles... Tae smiles back...

You caught me, huh... Tae sighs... Then keeps silent...

You were right, when you said... There's something, that is forcing me to do all this... Even it's so tough to continue.... But.... I am. Still not prepare to tell it.... I need a little time... But i promise... I am gonna tell you one day.. Because if it's you.... It feels you are gonna understand it... Without questioning anything.... Tae says murmuring...

I won't question anything.. I swear.... If i question, i am gonna buy you foods after.. I promise... Jimin blurted out...then bites on his tongue...

Tae chuckles seeing that...

I won't question you on anything that might hurt you... I promise.... Jimin says softly..

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