few facts

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Here are some facts, i thought i would explain later, but as you all are feeling a little confused, let me explain is here...

1. No, jeongukk isn't a member of those people who did something "bad" to tae.

2. Like how fragile tae seems, he is actually not. He is a pure blood omega. If you read the first chapter, i mentioned it there.

3. Pure blood Omega's are powerful than the recessive one or the usual one. If you remember, even one of the rapist said, pure blood's pheromone is more arousal, than the normal one.

4. A pure blood omega can be a stronger & powerful one if they know how to use it. As tae was a teenager & didn't know how cruel can world be, as he was being treasured by his brother, he didn't ever feel the importance of knowing how to control his pheromone. Otherwise he would make those " people "(read bastards) fall on in their knees, choking them out.... Life taught him in a cruel way... Now he knows how to use it.

5. About jeongukk... A question raised, if he is virgin... If you are asking if he had sex with someone purposely, then " no" he didn't... A lady ( read bitch) , his friend's mom, being an omega, threw herself on jeongukk as he was only seven years old, but still was a true blood alpha... As he used to go their home to play with her son, she took the advantage.

6. If you are wondering, jeongukk's dick wasn't even that big as a seven years old. Believe me, this things happen in real life where people force even " one year " old, those kids are boys or girls, doesn't matter. I can't tell you for a rapist psychology, but learning few incidents & studying about so many things... For a perverted rapist, if doesn't matter if a small dick even can enter them or not... Or even the rapist's dick can enter in a small whole or not... Believe me... It's the truth... It doesn't matter for them... & it's still foggy for me, how they manage to get pleasure from doing this vicious things with a kid.

Rape is always a crime, a shameful act...it doesn't matter if it's with a kid or an adult... It always was & always gonna be a disgusting shameful act... Who can't control their dicks, their dicks should been cut off... End of the discussion.

7. At the age seven, seeing how pain jeongukk is going on through three years, not getting any help as he was told not to tell anyone, & being a kid, it made it worse.... Jeongukk's wolf awakens & taken over on jeongukk to protect him....to end the root cause of his suffering... He killed that " bitch"

& no one suspects a ten years old of killing a " bitch"... Right? Except Yoongi saw someone's blood on his brothers body. But even if he knew the fact, he would kill that bitch himself, or the jeons would.

8. Jeongukk's wolf treats Omega's as a threat from his seven years...& treats them like that too.... But that's not the case with tae... Here, jeongukk being a little dumb too...

As jeongukk was told tae was a beta & jeongukk's wolf didn't response tae as a threat as he is an omega, it's because, jeongukk's wolf recognize tae as jeongukk's 'mate' that he didn't respond in a negative way... Jeongukk's wolf did make him to smell tae's " scent"... But as he jeongukk didn't get any negative response from his wolf, he took tae as a ' beta' too... Or his wolf would definitely signal him...

When the wolf was letting him smell tae's pheromone... Because he is jeongukk's " mate... "

But know the fact.... Jeongukk still didn't touch tae... So...👀

Let's see...

9. Tae too in denial of the fact that jeongukk's pheromone does something inside him... From the first meeting when alphas pheromone disgust him... He didn't disgust jeongukk's pheromone... & he almost went into heat when jeongukk was near his store... & it was jeongukk's pheromone too that sooth him inside & he felt a feeling of the first " spring "

What an omega can do who was raped by multiple dominant alphas. He surely will be disgusted about all alphas. We can't deny it... But he can't actually being able to hate or disgust on a certain " Russian son of a ~~"

Just his hatered is making him all denial..

I think this explains a little about the chapters written till now..

Love ya ❤

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