ch. 12

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"Long time no see"

Jeongukk chuckles seeing tae almost jumping off at his place..

Why god why.. Tae covers his face saying...

Yeah god... Jeongukk joins in...

"Why didn't you let me see my hamy this few days... Look.. How much he missed me... Awww.. "

Tae takes his hand off his face, looks at jeongukk, if it was in his power... He would burn jeongukk to ashes by glaring at him...

Aish... Don't keep looking at me like that.. "I may fall in love with you"

Which i am not planning.. Waste of time... & you aren't my type.... Jeongukk smiles innocently saying..

Oh my god... Tae smiles equally..

How would i live now knowing i am not your type... What a loss... I am dying after knowing that... I was even thinking to marry you.... Poor me...

Tae says not smiling a bit, but sarcastically..

Really? Should i tell your brother to marry you off to me then?

Jeongukk says sitting on a chair for the customers.. Putting his hand on it upper side & chin to his plam... Smirking ar tae..

Tae keeps looking silently... Then takes a deep breathing..

Why do you come here sir... Tae says extra politely..

I need something... Jeongukk looks around...

If you are again planning on irritating me, congratulations, you already did that with your blessed presence here... I am already beat up today.. I want no more nuisance... If you don't want anything in particular.. Please leave..

Tae turns around, saying...

Agh! Same hamy.. I am beat up too... Had to meet some loser investor.. Worked to the bone.. Then had to chop all fingers & bite off someone's head...had to do all work... I am wasted now..

Tae snaps, looks turning behind at jeongukk widening his eyes... Keeps looking like that... Jeongukk keeps looking too...

Then starts laughing all of a sudden..

I was joking.. I can't possibly chop someone's finger hamy... That's too scary.. I am a handsome little mafia fellow... How can i do something that scary... Eww...

Jeongukk makes a face of disgust..

Tae sighs..

Why the heck you are here for? He asks..

To cool myself off after a long day of work... Jeongukk replies immediately..

Then take something cold & leave immediately.... Tae says scolding..

But that's not how i feel relief... Jeongukk pouts..

"I cool myself off by annoying you... That's like a relaxing air to my heart"

Jeongukk smiles..

Can you just leave already... Tae glares at him in anger..

I am about to close the shop..

Oh.. Okay.. I won't bother you anymore.. I will sit here.. Zipping my mouth until you finish your work... Jeongukk smiles..

Tae feels hopeless... He decides to ignore jeongukk's presence.. & start with the work that was left..

You know~~

Tae sighs in irritation again when jeongukk speaks up..

& here i was expecting you will really zip your mouth... I am a fool for expecting that... Tae mumbles..

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