ch. 8

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"Minding your own business "

Jeongukk keeps looking for a moment

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Jeongukk keeps looking for a moment....

Then all of a sudden, tae frowns in irritation, when jeongukk starts laughing hard, holding his stomach..

I like it!!! Little hamy is so genius when it comes to business... But you know little hamy...

Jeongukk leans his head a little...

I do business when it give me chills in return... If i mind my ow business, what's fun in there?? It's not get me anything.... Minding in your business will do... That's a real business deal for i am gonna keep doing that...

Happy business partnership hamy...

Jeongukk chuckles..


Tae almost groans like a hamster, looking at jeongukk in anger...


Jeongukk covers his mouth to control his laughing, seeing tae like that...

Quit laughing you bastard!

Can't help... That expression was just....

Jeongukk says chuckling... Tae decides to ignore him again... Jeongukk keeps silent too...

You are nothing like hyung....

He says again...

Hyung is sweet...nothing similar to you... You come to bite me everytime you see me...

I don't wanna have cavity by biting you teeth will go rotten... Tae says in irritation..

So you think i am sweet that you are gonna get cavity from biting me.... Truth be spoken...

Jeongukk says laughing...

Tae sighs...

Can't you go away?? Can't you see i am working here?? Tae says looking at him..

But your work is done though... Jeongukk smirks.

That more reason not to come here & because you have nothing to do here then... Tae replies firmly.

I do though... Jeongukk says...

He takes out his cigarette packet...

I am out of this....

He says opening the packet.... Tae glance at the packet...

That's fully loaded... He replies frowning.

Jeongukk looks at it... Then flips the packets, dropping every cigarette from inside to the ground...

"Now i am out of this" jeongukk chuckles...

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