ch. 6

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"Jeongukk.. "

"Come here..... "

A large hall... Painting hanging from the wall... The curtain hanging is moving in air... The green leaves outside are being seen from the window...

A lady wearing a white dress, standing in front a room door... Her hair is waving in the air..

Jeongukk... Come..

She again calls him, moving her hand..

Where's seongbin aunty....

The seven years old says, looking at the lady, smiling.

You came to play with seongbin? The lady asks smiling.

Yeah... Where's he...

He is here... In this room... The lady says pointing at the room..

Come jeongukk... Aunty will play with you today...

You will? The boy says in excitement..

Yeah... We are gonna play a different 'game' today... It's gonna be fun...

The lady chuckles.

Okay... The seven years old walks towards her..

Aunty... What is this smell.... The kid says looking around, feeling a suffocating smell around...

"Jeongukk-ah.... It's a smell that will make you feel good"

The lady laughs..

For the very first time.... The seven years old kid doesn't like someone's smile...

The lady takes the kid inside the room.

........... Close the door behind...

The kid, who enters the room with a smile...... Comes out with a pale face... Not understanding anything about the world, what happened to him a while ago....

Why that aunty " layed him down on that bed"

Why did she touch him all over... Why did she~~

"Jeongukk-ah! "

He looks at the lady, blankly...

" you can't tell anyone about this game... Okay? Or Aunty will be angry.... "

The seven years old doesn't understand anything about those words... But understand one thing...

" he has to smile right now..."

Okay.... He has smiling to that lady...

" jeongukk-ah... Good boy"

" jeongukk-ah "


Jeongukk jumps on the bed, panting heavily... He looks around...

Not that big hall... Not that window.... Not that room... He is on his own bedroom..

" that fucking dream again "

Jeongukk clenched his fist... Throws down the vase was on the corner....

Keeps looking down taking deep breath...

" fucking Omega"

He murmurs punching on the bed... Trying hard to control his urge to break everything apart.

He clenched his fist so hard, his veins pops up... His wolf was taking over.. He grinds his teeth in anger... He pants up breathing heavily... He feels like to destroy everything.

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