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mama I'm in love with a criminal ☂ 


Y/n's POV

'Why didn't you ever get a name?' I ask, munching on a stale piece of jerky.

Five's head shoots up. 'I guess Mom never got the chance to give me on.'

I nod. 'Five kinda suits you.'

He laughs. 'Why? Because that's the age I act?'


The sound of his laugh makes butterflies swarm in my stomach. It's not really a secret that I like Five at this point. Being together with someone in the middle of an apocalypse tends to...intensify emotions to the maximum.

An explosion crashes near us. It sounds like a mixture of thunder and major lightning.

'Another storm?' I turn to the direction of the sound.

'I'll go see,' Five offers, getting to his feet.


After about 10 minutes of him being gone, I start to get a bit worried.

'Five?' I look around, walking in the direction he went.



Still silence.

Fear pounds in my head as I run across the abandoned roads. Nothing but desolation meets my eyes.

'Y/n, what are you doing?' Five's voice almost makes me sob with relief. The idea of being alone out here is too much.

I turn around and tackle him to the ground. We roll across a surprisingly soft patch of rocks, until Five places his hands on the ground on either side of my shoulders.

My eyes widen.

'Why were you wandering around?' He asks.

I glare. 'You freaking idiot! I thought you'd gotten yourself killed!'

Five smirks. 'So you were worried about me.'

I push him off me. 'You're impossible.'

'You didn't deny it!' Five yells after me as I walk back to our shelter.

He grabs my hand, pulling me back towards him. For a second, our eyes meet and I freeze.

It feels like time stopped.

I swallow hard, unsure of what to do.

After a brief hesitation, Five let's go.

'Uh, we should probably....'


You know what?

We're going to die out here in the middle of this apocalypse and I haven't even had my first kiss.

'Screw it,' I mutter, tugging Five back and kissing him on the lips.

He gasps, eyes fluttering closed. I feel myself letting everything go.

Five's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

Nothing else exists except for me and him.

Five's POV

I yawn, attempting to roll over. Something stops me.

My eyelids flutter open, and I glance down to see Y/n's arms still around me.



My brain tries to remember the rest of the night.


Got it.

'Y/n?' I whisper, shaking her.

She wakes up extremely slowly.

'Morning.' Her e/c eyes blink up at me sleepily, and a smile stretches across her face. 'So.'

Blush floods my cheeks and I glance away.

'Let's just-'

Before I can finish my sentence, a loud rumble causes bricks and piles of wood to rain down on us. Y/n thrusts her hands in the air, stopping all the falling bricks in their path.

We scramble out of the fallen shelter as chaos erupts all around us.

The world seems to be disintegrating.

Maybe there was too much stress on the fragile state of the earth and it finally decided to give up. Either way, there's nowhere to run.

'I can fix this,' Y/n yells over the sound. 'If I can just fix the balance, I can stop the world from imploding!'

'No!' I shout back. 'That's too much power! Even if you could control it, the effects could mean...'

She smiles sadly. Y/n hands me a slip of paper she had in the pocket of her uniform.

It's a list of equations. 

'I started to figure out a way for us to get out of here. If you can just finish it...'

My eyes flick over the paper.

'Y/n...' The sob doesn't leave my throat. 'Don't do this.'

'I know you can save the future!' Tears stream down her cheeks. 'The equations will get...you out of here for good. They're off, but I'm sure you can find the solution!'

I shake my head furiously. 'Not like this! Not without you!'

'Five, please,' Y/n says. 'Please just let me do this. I have to.'

No words come to mind to stop her.

There aren't any other options.

I desperately try to make a portal come, but my powers are just too weak.

'I love you,' She whispers, raising her hands in front of her. With a loud scream, blue energy blasts out of her hands, spanning out for miles. It surges around the broken remnants of earth, causing dust to spiral in columns into the air.

All around us, the ground seems like it's becoming stiller. I can no longer feel the rumbling, just the trembles of immense power radiating off the girl standing in front of me.

'It's working!' I shout excitedly.

'Goodbye, Five,' Y/n's voice causes my face to fall. I turn to see the energy surrounding her completely. It masks her body in a blue haze, and the light around her grows brighter. 'Don't worry...we'll meet again...'

I shield my eyes as the glow intensifies.

'No!' The dust clears in front of my eyes. Everything is back to normal, yet so wrong. 'Y/n?'

I call her name over and over again.

But she's already gone. 

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