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I don't care ☂ 


Y/n's POV

I can tell that Five skipped over several important details...possibly painful ones, when telling me the story of how I died.

I'm left speechless.

'That...really happened?'

Five nods, looking away from me. 'You sacrificed yourself.' He gives a little scoff. 'For the good of this world.'

'And....us?' I say hesitantly. 'Were we...are we-?'

He gives me a peculiar look. 'Are we what?'

I must have misread something.

'Nothing.' I say. 'I just thought-'

'Come on,' Five says. 'There's a place I need to go.'

By now it's almost 7:00 in the morning. I really don't know how I could've spent 2 hours just listening to Five ramble about the end of the world, when all he complains about is how we don't have any time for bullshit. I especially don't know why he didn't bother telling me this when we first met for the second time.

If I honestly mean nothing to him, then why would he keep it a secret?

'So..are you going to tell me what we're doing here?'

I stare up at the giant building.

The giant sign says Meritech Prosthetics. 'Does this have something to do with the eye?'

'It has everything to do with the eye,' Five replies. 'This is where it was manufactured.'

'Oh,' I say. 'Okay.'

The man that greets us-Lance Biggs, doesn't seem like the type who enjoys the company of children such as ourselves. Or as we appear, anyways.

'Hello, how may I help you?' He scans us over with a look of disdain.

'Well, I found this eye and would like to see it returned to its rightful owner,' Five holds out the eyeball.

'What a thoughtful young man!' The woman behind the desk exclaims, much to Five's contempt.

'Yeah. Can you tell me who it belongs to?'

'Unfortunately, due to privacy policy, we can't disclose the name of the client,' Lance explains. 'Confidential. That means-'

'I know what confidentiality means,' Five says impatiently.

'Might I ask where you found it?' Lance asks.

Five thinks for a second. 'A children's playground. Must have just-' He clicks his tongue. 'Popped out.'

I make a disgusted face.

'Well, I'll just take that off your hands,' Lance reaches for the eyeball, but Five pulls it out of reach. 'Now, listen here young man-'

"No, you listen to me, asshole!" Five hisses, grabbing the man by his collar and aggressively hauling him eye to eye. "I've come a long way for this, been through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so give me the information I need and I'll be on my merry way." 

The man gulps, but Five isn't finished. "And if you call me young man one more time I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall!" 

'Oh dear,' The lady gasps.

'Call security,' Lance says as Five lets go.

In a huff, he storms off.

I shoot the man a quick grin, leaving Lance utterly confused.

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