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"I'm hungry," I announced as soon as my feet hit the stone balcony back at the House of Wind. It was true, I was hungry, but I also knew that Az would be dwelling on everything that had gone wrong today, and I was trying to head off the inevitable gloom that would follow if he lingered too long on those thoughts. I didn't feel like we'd failed today, but I knew that's how he would see it.

"When are you not?" he replied, and I grinned at him with a shrug as I led the way into our shared common space. As we entered, two steaming plates of food and glasses of wine materialized on the table, and I groaned in appreciation as I headed for my chair. A shadow curled around my wrist as I reached for it though, and I turned and raised an eyebrow at my mate, who was already heading for the bathing room. "Wash your hands before you eat, you heathen!" he called out behind him.

"I'm pretty sure you like me being a heathen," I grumbled under my breath, but I followed him anyway and quickly took my turn with the soap and water.

"I heard that," he shot back as he dried his hands, and the searing look he gave me promised I'd pay later for my smart mouth. I gave him a carefree wink, but when he turned to head back toward our waiting dinner, I had to adjust the front of my pants, which had suddenly become significantly tighter. The way the supple leather of his pants hugged his ass certainly wasn't helping either.

Shaking my head slightly, I strode back through the room to join him at the table, the scent of the roasted meat, potatoes, and vegetables before me drawing my attention back to my stomach. I dug in, taking a huge bite that I washed down with a swig of wine. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Az do the same, although with slightly more reasonably-sized bites. Even though it had been over 500 years, that was one habit from my childhood I'd never quite been able to shake.
"So," I began once my mouth was empty, "today was fun."

Azriel shot me a glare, daring me to start laughing again, and I quickly looked down at my plate as I took another bite. My lips twitched at the memory of the pure dismay on his face when he had admitted to blowing up half a forest trying to make a shield, but I could feel enough of his frustration through the bond to keep my own amusement in check. When I didn't burst into hysterics, he sighed, running one hand through his hair. "I don't know why it didn't work," he admitted. "Well, I didn't have extremely high hopes for the Siphon thing, but I could feel your power when we shared blood. I just couldn't... direct it. Obviously."

"Maybe we need to do both?" I offered. "Try to use each other's Siphons while we share blood?"

Azriel looked thoughtful as he chewed another bite. "That might work," he said slowly. "Maybe your power can only be controlled through your Siphons." He shrugged. "We can give that a try tomorrow."

"Amren didn't give you any more specific instructions?" I asked around a mouthful of potatoes, even though I knew she hadn't. Damn unhelpful, cryptic female.

"Well, I assume you remember what she suggested we needed to do first?" he asked, dragging his gaze up to mine, the simmering heat there setting my own body aflame.

I took the last bite of my dinner, clearing the plate which immediately disappeared off to the kitchens. "I definitely remember," I murmured, leaning over toward him, my voice lower and huskier than I'd thought it would be. I flicked my eyes down to his plate. "Finish your food, Az, then I'll let you fuck me into the bed."

Az raised his eyebrows. "You... that's what you want?" he asked tentatively, even as he ate half of his remaining food in a single bite. I could feel his surprise, but also his delight and affection, down the bond.

Gods, yes, I did. But I also wanted to fuck him into the mattress. "It makes sense," was what came out of my mouth. "You've been with males for their first time, and I've never done this before. You can show me how to do it."

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