Bridging (Part 2)

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We spent all night and the following day learning each other's bodies, moans and grunts and the occasional whimper filling the air. Mercifully, the domestic magic of the House changed the bedsheets for us every time we got up, but I found I didn't care about clean sheets when Cassian woke me from a nap with his mouth on my cock, or when he leaned over to suck a bruise into the side of my neck, despite my quick healing ensuring it would only last an hour or two.

As day bled into evening we finally collapsed, exhausted. I lay in bed, my limbs tangled with Cassian's, feeling utterly at peace despite the unfamiliar sensations echoing down the bond. If I had thought it strange or overwhelming before, it was nothing compared to the way it felt now that I was able to discern Cassian's emotions stronger and more clearly than ever. Although I had sort of grown used to feeling him there, I hadn't realized how much more there would be, and I knew he felt the same.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but a soft touch on my cheek pulled me back into consciousness, and I was surprised to find the room bright with mid-morning light when I blinked my eyes open. "Good morning," Cassian murmured, his voice rough with sleep, and my blood heated once more at the sound. He was propped up on one elbow, staring down at me with such fondness my throat tightened and it took me a couple of tries to respond.

"Good morning," I finally managed to reply. He grinned and leaned down to drop a sweet kiss on my lips, and I resisted the urge to deepen it as my stomach cramped with hunger.

"Hungry?" he asked, reading my mind, and I nodded. He rolled out of bed, heading into the closet, and I fisted my hands in the sheets to keep some semblance of self-control as I took in his broad back, the powerful muscles of his legs and rear shifting as he walked. I took a deep, calming breath, closing my eyes. As much as I wanted to keep him in this bed forever, we did have things to do.

I barely opened my eyes in time to prevent a soft black bundle from hitting me in the face, leveling a playful glare at Cassian when he grinned. To both my disappointment and relief, he was dressed in a simple loose pair of pants and short-sleeved shirt, and I looked down to find similar garments in my hands. "Get dressed and come with me," he ordered, grabbing his boots before striding out into our sitting room, and I hurried to comply.

When I emerged from the bedroom, fully-dressed, Cassian grabbed my hand, pressed a kiss to my knuckles, and led me out the door. I tamped down my confusion and followed him through the winding hallways, relishing the feeling of his calluses rasping against my palm. I took the opportunity to study his profile as we walked, the handsome, rugged lines that made up the face of the person I loved most in the world.

Love. The world clanged around my mind, and for some reason I was surprised by it, despite the depth of my feelings for Cassian. I had always loved him as a friend, as a brother, but now I loved him as my mate, my partner and equal for the rest of our long lives. I felt a surge of affection down the bond, and Cassian's lips twitched as he squeezed my hand once, his eyes flicking over to briefly meet mine.

"Here we are," he announced, and I'd been so wrapped up in watching him that I hadn't realized he was leading us to one of the smaller kitchens in the House, the one we used for just family. He turned to face me, a shy smile playing about his lips. "I thought maybe we could cook today."

My heart felt so full it was nearly bursting, but I managed a sedate nod. "What do you feel like?" I asked, looking around the cozy space. "I know it's nearly lunchtime, but we haven't had breakfast yet."

"How about I make you an omelet?" Cassian said with a grin. "Since I think I owe you one." It took me a few seconds to figure out what he was talking about; that day at the cabin almost felt like a different life. As though everything before the bond was painted in faded, washed out colors.

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