A Lasting Peace

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Eris Vanserra was dead. The news had come as we'd emerged from the mountain back onto the battlefield, where our allied troops had easily captured or killed all our remaining foes. The male who'd been tending to Eris's injuries had found us, asking permission to take his body back for a proper send off in the Autumn Court, and Rhys had, surprisingly, looked to Cassian and me for our opinions. "He saved my life," I'd said quietly, which had been good enough for Rhys. The remaining Autumn contingent had departed, many white-wrapped figures in tow.

I'd have to sort out my complicated emotions about the Autumn heir later. Sadly, the unknown shadowsinger from the throne room had been beyond saving when we'd arrived. The young male had probably been quite striking in life; a pretty mouth and blade-sharp nose were set below eyes with the thickest lashes I had ever seen. Eyes that were now closed forever. We decided he would be buried with honors in Night Court lands. It hadn't been his fault that Keir had stolen him from his home, wherever that was, and used him up until nothing was left. To the best of our knowledge, he had been a victim in all this, and he didn't deserve a pauper's grave as his final resting place.

Though it was barely afternoon, I was exhausted. The physical, mental, and emotional toll of the day weighed heavily on me. There was still so much to be done; Rhys would have to appoint a new Steward, there was cleanup of the throne room and the battlefield to attend to, and the formalities of thanking our allies and seeing to the remains of the fallen. But I was barely even able to follow the conversation as we sat in one of the large dining rooms finishing a sumptuous lunch.

Looking around the table, it seemed that no one else was faring much better. Helion, usually so outgoing and quick with an innuendo, looked utterly spent. Given how much ward-breaking he'd done, I was hardly surprised. Tarquin, Feyre, Rhys and Mor looked marginally better, and Cassian was eyeing me with concern while trying very hard not to appear to do so. I smiled at him, and a flood of warmth filled me through our bond, temporarily bolstering me.

"Well," Rhys said, clasping his hands. "I see no reason the cleanup efforts can't begin tomorrow. Helion, Tarquin," he nodded at the two other High Lords, "thank you again for your friendship and support. You and your troops are welcome to stay as long as needed to recover."

Tarquin smiled gratefully, but Helion shook his head. "Thank you, but we are close enough that I would rather be home." We all walked out to the terrace, where the other High Lords winnowed away. Rhys beckoned to the rest of us and, exhausted, I let his power whirl us back to Velaris, right into the foyer of their vast river estate.

"You know where your rooms are," Feyre said with a wave of her hand. "I desperately need a bath, and I know you all do too."

Cassian was already starting toward the stairs, but I stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Thank you, Feyre, but we're going to head back to the House," I called after her. "We'll be back for dinner."

She shrugged and nodded, already pulling Rhys with her as she strode toward their rooms. Cassian gave me a long, quizzical look, but didn't resist as I tugged him out toward the back lawn where there was plenty of room for both of us to spread our wings wide. "There's someone waiting for us," I said quietly, and I saw recognition dawn in Cassian's face.

He led the way as we both leapt skyward, flapping hard as we set a course straight up to the House of Wind. As we approached, a small figure ran out to the nearest balcony, followed more slowly by a larger, winged one. The small figure waved wildly, jumping up and down as we approached, and Cassian and I angled toward them.

"Cassian!" Antares yelled as we landed, sprinting full force at my mate, who caught him under the arms and swung him around.

"Whoa, hey there," Cass said, putting Antares back on his feet and taking in his dirty, disheveled appearance. He opened his mouth to say more, but Antares turned and barreled into me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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