The Field of Battle

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I awoke slowly to the feel of warm breath on the nape of my neck and a hard cock rubbing against my outer thigh. Azriel was still tucked into my side, blanketed beneath my wing, his arm thrown over my back. He was grinding slowly against me in his sleep, his rhythmic movements stirring my own arousal as our naked skin slid together, unhindered by clothing.

I rolled gently toward him, trying my best not to disturb him as I shifted my wings back behind me and shuffled a little closer. In sleep, even his shadows rested, and his face was uncharacteristically open and almost innocent in the morning light. At least, until he felt me staring at him and cracked open one hazel eye, regarding me with fond amusement.

"Morning," he rasped, his voice still thick with sleep. "Any chance we could start our sunrise workout a little later today?"

I grinned and moved my hips even closer to his, so that our erections brushed up against each other. "I could be persuaded," I said with faux-reluctance, rolling my hips in a slow, fluid motion. "Did you have something else in mind?"

Az shuddered as our cocks slid against each other, and I reached down to grip him firmly. I gave him a hard stroke, grinning as a deep moan echoed from his chest, until his palm wrapped around my cock and he returned the favor. With my other hand I pulled him even closer, holding his face so I could swallow his next groan as I pumped him again.

I set a slow, lazy rhythm which Azriel matched immediately, our tongues tangling as we touched each other. I couldn't help thrusting gently into his fist when his thumb hit the perfect spot at the sensitive underside of the tip, and he nipped my lower lip in warning. "Fuck, I missed you," I breathed against his mouth, the admission spilling from me.

He kissed me hard. "I missed you too. Couldn't sleep without you," he murmured as his lips trailed down my jaw, sucking at my pulse point. I bucked into his hand again, stroking him a little faster, and he again matched my pace. "You aren't allowed to leave again," he said, his teeth scraping against my neck. "I'll chain you to the bed if I have to, to keep you here with me."

I shuddered at the visual of my hands and legs restrained with Az standing over me, a dark gleam in his eye. He didn't miss the small movement, and he tightened his grip on my cock further. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he asked, his voice deep. "Being completely at my mercy, to whatever I wanted to do with you?"

I knew the question was rhetorical but I nodded anyway. "Of course you would, you're so good for me," Az praised, his hand relentless as he picked up the pace. I did my best to keep up as all thoughts eddied out of my brain, and judging by Azriel's satisfied groan I'd been at least moderately successful. I could barely focus on anything but him: his breath against my skin, his hand around my cock, his filthy words. "Come on, be good for me, Cass," he crooned, and I pulled his mouth back to mine mostly so I could shut him up enough to focus on making sure he got off too.

I could feel my climax building, growing from a small spark in my core into a raging fire racing through my nervous system. Az broke away again, leaning back slightly and stroked me at a punishing pace. I looked up to find him wearing the quiet, self-assured confidence that made him utterly irresistible. "Come, now," he ordered, and I had neither the will nor desire to disobey. My eyes closed as I shuddered, the tension inside me snapping as I came in spurts over both our hands, barely remembering to keep stroking Az while he pumped me to the point of overstimulation.

"One day," he panted, his voice ragged as he neared his own completion. "One day I'm going to make you come so many times you cry," he promised. "And you'll take it, and thank me for it - fuck." I opened my eyes in time to see his head tip back in ecstasy, his release joining mine over our bodies. He was beautiful as he came, all strong lines covered in a light sheen of sweat, and my heart swelled as I watched him find his pleasure. As much as I belonged to him, this incredible male was mine , and I wanted to make him feel this way every day for the rest of my life.

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