The Other Shadowsinger

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Rhys dropped us off in midair outside the wards of the House of Wind with a knowing smirk and a reminder that dinner would be at seven, before disappearing once again. Although I had every intention of catching up on reports from some of my spies, as soon as we landed on our balcony and I saw the mid-afternoon sun gilding Cassian's windswept hair I knew that I wouldn't be getting any work done. I crowded him against the railing, as he had done to me so many nights ago, my hands roaming down the front of his armor as I captured his mouth with mine.

"Get this off," I demanded, tugging at the layers of thick leather between my hands and his skin.

Cassian chuckled breathlessly, tapping his Siphon to make his battle armor disappear, and I wasted no time shucking off his flying jacket and tossing it carelessly onto the floor behind me. He groaned as I kissed my way down his neck, simultaneously loosening the waistband of his pants enough for me to shove one hand down them, where I felt him already warm and hard beneath my hand.

"You drive me insane," I admitted against his collarbone as I stroked him roughly. "How am I ever supposed to get anything done now that I know what you look like coming on my cock?"

Cassian shuddered, gripping me tightly to him as he forced my head up so he could kiss me again. A low growl rose in my throat as he nipped at my lower lip, and I managed to pull back just long enough to gasp out "Bedroom," before he crashed into me again, guiding me backward into the House.

We managed to lose most of our clothing before we collapsed together on the bed, a trail of shoes, shirts, and pants showing the path we'd taken. I had gotten Cassian completely naked and I couldn't stop touching him, my hands roaming over every inch of smooth, muscled skin I could reach. He was doing the same, my undershorts the only remaining barrier between us.

I tamped down a flash of panic as he pushed me onto my back, pinning me beneath him, but then he was kissing his way down my chest, his fingers teasing at my waistband, and alarm gave way to arousal. "I liked seeing you wear my Siphon," he murmured against the skin of my stomach as he slowly pulled down my underwear. I raised my hips to help him, my vision nearly whiting out as he slipped his tongue out to brush it against the head of my cock. "I want everyone to see that you're mine."

I wanted to respond in kind, but the words got stuck in my throat as Cassian took me fully into his mouth, a strangled groan the only sound that ended up making its way past my lips. I tangled one hand in the sheets as I rested the other on the back of his head, fighting every instinct to keep from thrusting up into his mouth.

I managed it until I looked down to find Cassian's burning hazel gaze on me, then I cursed, my back arching involuntarily as I chased the wet heat of his mouth. "Cassian," I panted, trying to pull him off my dick, but he merely swatted my hand away and dove back down, swallowing me whole as I rocked up into him again. "Fuck," I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut as I desperately tried not to finish on the spot. He gave me no reprieve, bobbing in a steady rhythm as he trailed a finger down to the rim of muscle at my rear entrance. He didn't press it into me, but the slight pressure combined with the sensations of his lips and tongue were enough to send me hurtling into my climax, every muscle in my body tensing as I spilled into his mouth then relaxing again as he gently worked me through it.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he released me with a final kiss, and he prowled up my body, desire evident in his eyes as he stared me down. Our mouths crashed together as he settled over me, his cock thick and heavy where it rested against my thigh. "That was one," he muttered against my lips, and despite how recently I had just finished, my own cock twitched again in interest. "You wanna give me another, love?"

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