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As we neared the more populated parts of Velaris, Antares dropped back to walk between Az and me, his eyes darting around as though he was worried about an impending attack. I was still dying to ask him about his past, but settled for patting his shoulder in what I hoped was a reassuring way as we approached Sevenda's restaurant.

Sevenda herself greeted us, whisking us back to a private corner near the kitchen where we wouldn't be overheard. I could have kissed her for her quick reading of the situation and discretion, but Azriel had likely been provoked enough for one evening already.

"What sort of food do you like?" Az asked quietly, and the boy's eyes lit up.

"Fish!" he exclaimed immediately. "And berries, and bread, and hot chocolate, and cake."

"I'll see what I can do for you," Sevenda said with a kind smile, and bustled off, calling orders to her staff as she went.

"Antares," I began, pulling his attention from the hubbub of the kitchen. "Can you tell us where you're from?"

This, apparently, was the exact wrong thing to ask, as shadows crept in around his face as though to hide him from sight. "Hey," I murmured as soothingly as possible. "Don't worry, you don't have to tell us anything you don't want to, and we aren't going to send you away."

Antares relaxed, his shadows retreating. "We were from the Winter Court," he began in a very small voice. "But I was born Under the Mountain."

I felt more than saw Az tense, going utterly still in that unnerving way of his, and questions whirled through my mind faster than I could give them voice. We were both granted a reprieve to collect ourselves as a waiter laden with plates stopped at our table, delivering several of the items Antares had asked for along with the dishes Az and I usually ordered.

Antares wasted no time, his eyes going wide as he immediately snatched up a slice of bread and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed enthusiastically as he eyed a roasted fish and bowl of plump strawberries, snatching up one of the latter as though he feared they would disappear. I said nothing, remembering well that kind of hunger, but Az cleared his throat pointedly as he picked up his fork and knife and took a small bite of his own meal. I covered my laugh with a cough as Antares froze, his guilty stare taking in our utensils, then returned the strawberry to the bowl and took up his own fork. He copied Azriel's movements, cutting himself a reasonable portion of fish, but I shot him a wink as I took a giant bite of my own food.

"So," Azriel began after we had all finished chewing. "You were born Under the Mountain?"

Antares nodded, clasping both of his small hands around a steaming mug of chocolate that had just appeared before him. "Yes. My parents met there. They loved me a lot." His lower lip began to wobble, and he took a huge gulp from his cup.

"What happened to them?" I asked as gently as I could.

"They found out that Amarantha was planning something bad, so they told me to be very quiet and took me to a tunnel. They said we were going to leave, but then the Attor found us." Dread turned the blood in my veins to ice, my appetite vanishing because I knew what was coming. "Mother screamed and told me to run as fast as I could, but they didn't run with me. They didn't have swords or anything," he said with a sniffle, his eyes red-rimmed as he blinked rapidly.

I snuck a glance at Az, who looked as devastated as I felt. "I just kept running," Antares continued in a small voice, staring down at his plate. "Until I was so tired I couldn't run anymore, and I was really lost. But then I saw a light, and so I followed it to a little hole that I crawled through and then I was outside. I had never been outside before that. It was so bright it made my eyes hurt, even though it was almost dark." I snuck a hand over to Azriel's thigh, squeezing gently. This boy's story was so similar to that of my mate's, and I could feel his anguish down the bond. I sent back a pulse of pure love. I am here, I tried to tell him. You got out, and I am with you.

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