info chapter

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this is a sbi adoption au

Here are the ages!

Philza: 38
Wilbur: 17
Techno: 16 (younger by a few months)
Tommy: 13
Ranboo: 14

Wilbur is there biological son
Tommy was adopted first when he was 10
Ranboo was adopted second when he was 13

Wilbur has depression because of Kirstens death, he has also alwaysed struggled with anxiety

Tommy was put into the orphanage when we was 6. He was known as the "bad child" and was in 6 different homes before phil, he was kicked out a lot for "not getting along with the other kids". He was neglected a lot and used as a punching bag. He also has scars all over his arms from where one of his old foster parents used to put cigarettes out on him. He has insomnia becuase almost every time he falls asleep he was nightmares of specifically one very bad house. He only gets a good night sleep when he sleeps in wilburs room.

Ranboo was put into the orpahnage when he was 1 because his mother died in a crash and his father was absent in his life. He never talked to anyone in the orphanage so everyone thought he was mute, but he talk to only one kid in the orphanage but the kid was later adopted and ranboo never saw him again. Ranboo had been in a lot of foster homes amd group homes to many to count. Often times he would get beat im his foster homes because he would not talk. Before he lived with Phil he only had one good home with a lesbian couple and he thought he would stay with them for good but they got a divorce and he ended up being put back into the foster system all tho one of the women still write and vist him even when he moved in with phil. Ranboo struggles with ptsd and anxiety. He also has a fear of the dark and has some sensory issues, he also use to struggle with a Ed but recovered when he moved in with phil.

Technoblade was put into the foster system when he was 9. No ones ever wanted him because he seemed to scary or to quiet or didn't fit in with there kids so he was in very few foster homes and spent the majority of his time in an orpahnage. (Also fun fact one of the foster homes he was with he was with ranboo but it was a very bad home and they were locked in a basement and starved to the point when a social worker came to check ul on the kids the cops where called and the foster parent was sent to prison after that techno never saw ranboo again but thought of him and one other kid there as a brother). In the orpahnage he was in they treated him poorly and barely fed him. The only time he got food was when one of the nice works named minx was working.

Philza was actually an orphan also he went threw many homes and group homes that were mentally and physically abusive. Before he was put into the foster home he lived with his mom and dad. His mom was a drug addict so was very absent minded with him and really didn't acknowledge his existence. His father was abusive and mean. In the end his father killed his mother and tried to kill him but the police got there in time and arrested him. He got sent to the foster home when he was 10 years old. He ended up growing out of the system but made some life tome friends along the way one in particular was a girl named kristen that he would later marry.

Sadly kristen had a condition called cystic fibrosis and was really sick (she had a sever case) she died shortly after they adopted tommy

Here is the house lay out

1st chapter coming out shortly ^^

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1st chapter coming out shortly ^^

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