[The pain I've cause ]

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Techno had gotten released from the hospital a day ago, and yet he still refused to leave. He stayed at Wilbur's bed side.

Techno somehow blamed him self. He wasn't strong enough to keep Wilbur safe. Why did he only get street burn while Wilbur suffered more fatal wounds. It's not fair, Wilbur doesn't deserve this. It should have been techno, at least he could handle it, At least he deserved it.

People have been coming in and out. But they always leave, techno refuses.

Phil just got out of the shower and was getting ready to go to the hospital. It has been a month since the accident, Jared was arrested and convicted for attempted murder and driving under the influence.

The doctor had told Phil that Wilbur may never wake up and it may be best to pull the plug. But Phil just couldn't, he knew it was selfish but he couldn't.

Since the accident it had effected everyone, ranboo stopped talking and Phil noticed is ed was starting to come back. Tommy tried to raise everyone's sprites but Phil new that Tommy's depression and anxiety has been threw the roof. And techno, he has barely slept at all, he's also barley eaten, Phil try's to make him eat and sometimes he is successful but he couldn't imagine what it must be like for all his kids.

Phil's anxiety had also gone up, he's has become way more protective since the accident. He was also finding it hard to take care of his basic needs.

Puffy and her kids had been coming over a lot to try and help but there is only so much they can do.

Phil and the kids were getting ready to go visit Wilbur, it was Christmas Eve so they were going to celebrate it at the hospital. Puffy and her kids were coming, along with jschlatt. Techno was already at the hospital.

They all piled in the car, Phil, Tommy, ranboo in one car and puffy and schlatt following them in their cars.

It was cold and snowing as they made their drive to visit Wilbur one last time.

Wilbur's pov:

It was dark. It seemed like he walked off the train forever ago and now just walking endlessly. But as he walked he started to hear voices, they sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Then a bright door came into view. Wilbur could sense the hurt that were to happen if he went threw it but for some reason he was drawn to it.

Then he heard the voices. They were talking in hush voices, then he heard one voice. He knew that voice. It was the same voice that he heard before he ended up on the train.

He was in a car crash? Yes it was all coming back now. The voice he heard was technoblade, his brother. Then he heard everyone else, his dad, Tommy, Phil, Niki, dream, foolish, Hannah, puffy, and Niki.

Then he heard a hush voice, it was technos. "Merry Christmas."

Suddenly he felt an urgency to get to the light, he ran full speed towards the light door. It hurt the closer he got to it but he ran right into the light.

Techno's pov-
It was officially midnight (0:00) meaning that Wilbur would be taken off of life support.

Techno took his hand and layer his head down in the bed. He couldn't stand it, it was to soon.
Everyone stood around Wilbur, as the last few minutes of his life would soon be gone.

Wilbur's pov-

When he emerged from the light he knew he was laying in a hospital bed but he felt numb. He knew someone was holding his hand and people were crying, he didn't understand why.

Slowly he felt less numb and was able to make a noise, he tightened his hand around the person who was holding his hand.

Techno gasped and the room went silent.

Wilbur groaned and slowly opened his eyes. It was bright be he adjusted to it. Everything hurt but he was alive and that was what mattered.

Dream ran out of the room and yelled for the doctor. A few minutes later and doctor ran in, he was in disbelief, Wilbur wasn't supposed to wake up he was brain dead, or so they thought.

Suddenly he felt someone hug him. It was techno, then Tommy, then ranboo, soon everyone had hugged him. Techno still held his hand.

Everyone was shooed out except for Phil and techno, who refused to leave.

The doctor explained what had happened and then gave Phil's some prescriptions. Then the doctor looked at Wilbur. "Wilbur I don't know if you have noticed but you are paralyzed from the waste down."

It felt like time froze, his whole world came crashing down.

The doctor explained that they will fit him for a wheel chair that is right for him then he would be free to go home, but non of it registered in his mind.

*time skip to them being home*

Wilbur was wheeled into the house, it smelled like gingerbread and peppermint. The house was decorated for Christmas. His mothers desk was lit up with Christmas candles.

Wilbur had almost forgotten it was Christmas, though it was late, it was almost 20:30 at night. (A/N Tommy, Phil, and Wilbur use this type of time bc they r British but techno and ranboo use normal time like 8:30 pm bc they r American)

Wilbur wheeled him self into his room and shut the door. For the first time since he got home from the hospital he aloud him self to cry. He cried almost as hard as he did when his mom died.

He wheeled over to his bed and lifted himself into bed, he didn't bother changing, he just cried himself to sleep.


Sorry for the Wilbur focused chapters!!!! It will focuse on all of them and their troubles and stuff from here on out!!

Word count: 1010!!

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