|the cycle begins again|

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(A/n imma try to write in 3rd person prospective wish me luck)

Technoblade pov-

The young boy sat at his bed like he does everyday not really thinking on anything in particular.

Its not like he could get out of his room anyways the workers here hate him and he knows that. Well all but one she was really sweet and could make any kid laugh and her balance sucks because she falls all the time.

Techno looked up as he heard a soft knock on the door. He smiled knowing who if already was.

He walked over and opened the door to reveal his favorite care taker minx.

"Hey tech how are we today?" She ask. "Pretty good didn't get much sleep tho" he stated. Minx nodded "well i snuck you a muffin and a granola bar" the boy smiled and took the food. "Oh also there will be a family here to see you soon ok thought i would if you a heads up" techno nodded a thank you and minx walked out the door closing it behind her.

Techno quickly ate the muffin then hid the granola bar for later cause who knows when he will eat again.

He sits in his room for another 10 minutes before a little kid walks into hi room.

"The people are here to see you" said the kid. Techno nodded a little surprised this kid even agreed to come up here because he usually sacred every one. "I hope you get adopted good luck" the kids smiles. Before the kid walks put techno calls out "wait aren't you sacred of me?" The kid looked confused "why would i be you seem really nice" to say techno was confused was an understatement. "Whats your name?" He asks. "Oh im niki nihachu" the she gasps. "Can we be friends and be like pin pals?" Techno smiled. "Yeah if i got fostered we can be pin pals" niki smiles and runs off.
(Btw niki is like 10 and she doesn't judge people based on looks hens why she wasn't sacred)

Techno walked down stairs in a good mood, he just made a friend sure she was like 5 years younger than him but a friend is still a friend.

He walks to the office and finds minx and the head director. "Techno may i be clear be on your best behavior the only reason you are getting a chance at being fostered is because of minx be grateful" you could just hear the venom in her voice as she spoke.

Minx gave him a reassuring look before taking him to the meeting room. "Good luck tech" she said with a smile. He smiled back before entering the room.

He walked in study them up and down. First there was a man with bleach blond hair and a striped green and white bucket hat. Then there was a boy with chocolate brown hair with a red hat on, a yellow jumper, and ripped black pants. (pants, trousers get over it lol /j) next to him was a boy with blond hair and a red and white baseball tee.

Then his eyes landed on a very familiar boy with mitch match hair. The other boy seemed to notice to because his mouth dropped open.

I sat down across from them trying to debate if this was real or not.

"Hi im philza minecraft and these are my sons, wilbur, tommy, and ranboo, whats your name mate" he asks. Techno looked away from ranboo "im technoblade but you can call me techno" he kept a straight cold face even tho he was happy to see ranboo.

"Like the technoblade?" Ranboo asks. I look at him. "Do you know him ranboo?" Phil asks. He nodded "we were only in one foster home together with a bunch of other kids but he was the one that helped get all of us out of the home"

Philza pov:

(Smol time skip backwards)

The blond was sitting at his desk working on paper work, he was a child consular for adopted kids.

He was looking threw some of his files when he got a call. ("Phil" 'minx')

"Hello this is philza minecraft" 'hey phil it's minx' "well hey minx i havnt talked to you in a while how are you?" He asks. "Im good, but im calling to ask a favor" phil sat up right in his chair "ok?" 'I have a kid here he's 16 and has been here since he was 8, im worried he won't find a home' i nodded 'can you come in maybe bring the boys and meet him and maybe foster him?' "Yeah i would love to, anything to help" he heard a sigh on the other end of the phone 'thank you phil' and after a few more words they hung up.

Know he thought of how to bring it up to the kids and ask them about bringing someone new into the family. He didn't know if it would be to soon seeing how ranboo has only been living here for a year and just a few months ago official adopted.

Philza walked out of his office and into the family room and saw ranboo sitting in there watching some reality show. "Ranboo can you go get your brothers we are going to have a family meeting" he nodded.
(Ps ranboo still barely talks, in his mind he doesn't need to talk unless absolutely necessary)

A few minutes later everyone gathers in the family room.

"So i want to talk to you guys about something important" everyone visibly got tense. "Don't worry nothing bad" philza said in an attempt to make them all relax a bit. "So how would you alll feel if we adopted another kid?" Phil asked deciding to just be up and blunt about it.

Everyone looked at each other. "How old are they?" Tommy asks. "16" "FOR FUCKS SAKE EVERY ONE IS OLDER THAN ME" tommy yells. "Tommy remember try to refrain from screaming inside" phil reminded with a chuckle. Tommy rolls his eyes and sits down.

Ranboo and wilbur are laughing. "Where will they stay if we do end up adopting them?" Wilbur asks. Phil thought for a minute. "Well either a he can share a room with you or we can move tommy and ranboo into the same room both options someone if sacrificing space" everyone nods. "I don't mind sharing a room with tommy the new kid should get his own space" ranboo says. And after he said that everyone was certain they were going to foster him.

(Back to present time)

Philza looks back and forth between ranboo and techno surprised they knew each other.

"Well techno why don't you tell us a bit about your self" techno shrugs. "What are some of your interests and hobbies?" Wilbur asks. "Well i used to fence a lot before i was put in here, i also like reading and playing chess, i also really like plants" (idk he seems more of a plant person than a people person) philza nodded. He doesn't understand why no one ever wanted him or took time to actually understand him.

Techno pov:

After about an hour of talking techno knew the family pretty good but he reminded himself he needed to keep his guard up because he cant trust them to easily and to fast.

Minx walks in and asks phil to step out to talk. Techno knew this process they were going to talk about if they wanted him.

Wilbur followes his dad out while tommy and ranboo stayed with him.

He waited there anxiously he knew he wasn't getting fostered but it was still a very nerve wracking process. Ranboo looked over at him and smiled reassuringly which surprisingly calmed techno down.

After a few more minutes phil, wilbur, and minx walked back in. Phil walked infront of me a kneeled down so he was face to face with me. "Techno how would you like to come live with me?"

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