[Its ok to not be ok]

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Big time jump

It had been 3 months since ranboo's attempt. He stayed in a mental hospital for 2 weeks. When he came out he was completely numb. If he barely talked before he never talked now.

Things got better. Even though he didn't talk he seemed to be enjoying life now, he visited Kate's grave every Sunday. He went back to school and made friends. Sure he regressed in his talking but everything else got better.

After that night Tommy was not ok, he found ranboo. Tommy took a few weeks off of school and started therapy again. He has gotten back to where he was before that night. His nightmares are more frequent though.

Wilbur can fully walk again with the help of a cain. He is doing really good. He started dating a boy,

Techno. He was by far the worst. His mental health has plummeted. But he didn't let anyone know that. He knew he had no reason to feel this way. He had a good life, a home, food.

But something haunted him. He didn't know what. It was like a coming storm. It hits and leaves tragedies in its way.

Techno wakes with a start. His breathing his heavy and uneven. He looks around his room frantically. He soon settles down, realizing  he was in his room, not that room.

He looks at his alarm clock. 1 am, he had fallen asleep at 11. All well, he sighs and gets up from his bed.

He makes his way out to the kitchen. He excepts to be the only one awake at this hour but as he enters the room he sees Phil leaned against the counter drinking coffee.

Phil and techno meet eyes. "Little early isn't it?" Phil says. Techno chuckles, "for you as well" he pours himself coffee and heads back to his room.

"Techno?" Phil says, techno looks back. "I'm here for you, if you ever want to talk." Techno nods and heads back to his room.

Phil's words ring in his head.

'I'm here for you, if you ever want to talk'

Techno sits at his desk and opens a book, engulfing himself in the fantasy world.

By the time he stops reading he notices it's light outside. He sighs and checks the time, 7:45. Tommy and Wilbur are already at school.

Techno decides it's time for one of his walks. He grands his coat and shoes, he walks out to the family room. Phil and ranboo are sitting on the couch watching judge Judy.

"Where ya going mate?" Asks Phil, "just out for a walk, I'll be home soon." Phil nods.

Techno slips on his shoes and walks out the door.

The air smells like rain, thunder clouds roll in. All well, he won't be out long. Techno starts walking, he never knows where he is going he just always knows where he ends up.

He climbs up on the bridge rails. He sits there for a while, just writing in his journal and watching the lake.

He looks up as it starts to pour. Techno smiles, a real genuine smile for the first time in a while. He sits there for who knows how long when the thoughts come back. What would happen if he jumps? Or slips?

He stands up, looking over the bridget. He never considered it so much than today. He takes a deep breath, putting one of his feet over the bridge. He closes his eyes as he feels himself tilt over the side.

This is it? Then end of the story, this is how technos legacy dies. After all he's been through this is where he ends it? After all the suffering.

Suffering? He may be ending his but he's causing those he loves more.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a tug in his arm. He stops falling.

"What are you doing!" Yelled dream over the rain. Techno looks up, tears fall he didn't even know he had. "Just let me go! It's not worth it anymore!" He yells.

"No man! I won't let you die, what about Tommy! Or ranboo? Wilbur?! What will Phil think when the cops find his son dead in the lake!" He screams.

It's like dream knocked he sense back in. Techno nods and dream starts pulling him up. But as he does he foot slips. He lets go of techno.

"Technoblade!" He screams

Techno falls, it feels like everything was in slow motion. He sees dreams face, full of fear and panic, technos feeling come back all at once. He didn't want to die.

It's to late. He closes his eyes, feeling as he crashes into the lake.


He feels nothing.

He feels like he is floating in a world of nothingness, is this what dying feels like?

Everything goes dark.


Techno is weezing on the ground, throwing up water. Dream is next to him coughing. He crawls over to techno.

"Your ok man, you ok."

It's ok to not be

Almost 3 years later and it's ok to not be ok comes to an end! Thank you so much to everyone who has bared with my inconsistent posting!

If you liked this book you might like my other book
'As the world caves in'
My first ever book and by far my most successful!
If you are more into action you may like....
'Safe house'
Here is a tiny snippet of it!:
'Long ago origins and humans lived peacefully. They traded together and married together. But it all went downhill when the humans thrust for power and dominates took hold. The humans viciously attacked the origins and used any and all tricks to defeat them. They would attack when everyone was sleeping, they would take hostages anything they could do to get the upper hand they did. After hundreds of years of fighting the humans won, cutting the number of origins down tremendously.'

The older closer the book. "Dad, you barely read it" the young boy complained. His father chuckled "we will read more tomorrow" the boy pouted. "Tommy stop pouting like a baby" his younger sister taunted. Tommy scoffed. Their father just sat in the background laughing but his laughs and children's bickering was cut off by the yells of people outside.

Go check my other books out! Thank you so much for an amazing 2 and half almost 3 years with this book!

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