|the wild flames|

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Hey guys a little psa, im sorry if I add stuff and it's not in the intro thing it might make it way there it might not but even so if I change stuff it won't be that major. Thanks and enjoy this chapter!

Technos pov:

Techno woke up to sleeping on wilburs shoulder, he had no clue what time it was but it's seemed pretty late. He didn't really remember what happened but slowly everything started coming back to him. He sighed not ready to face them, but he was thirsty so he assumed that maybe everyone was asleep.

He got up and made his way to the kitchen, the lights where out so he took that as a all clear to walk in and get a quick drink.

But when he walked in he was met by a tired philza drinking coffee, "oh hey mate, is everything ok?" He asks, techno nodded "yeah I was just thirsty" Phil nodded and moved aside for him to get a drink.

Techno looked at phil before getting a drink, Phil ever so smoothly slid in the comment "you know you can always talk to me mate, but anything thats bothering you" techno has heard the statement over and over again from previous foster homes.

"Look Phil I understand your trying to seem nice but you can drop the act, I know eventually you will just put me back into the system and forget about me" techno said coldly.

Phils pov:

Phil was saddend by his words, both Tommy and ranboo had said that when they first came though worded differently still the same.

Phil sighed "techno I'm not going to send you back, I don't know how many time I will say it but I will say it over and over again I will never let you go back to that place and I will never let anyone hurt you again."

Phils words seemed to surprise techno, Phil just barely noticed because techno kept a neutral face but the smallest movement made Phil notice what he said surprise the younger.

Techno walked back to his room shortly after leaving Phil to think on what the hell happened to him in the years he was in the system.

(Time skip to the morning)

No one pov:

The boys all came out of the rooms at about 9:30 for breakfast. Phil was already there and gave then there plates.

They all sat down and ate, "so about school" Phil said "3 days school starts back up and I think you all should go to in person school, ranboo and tommy are in the same year and wilbur and techno are in the same year, so you both would have buddy's, it's just a suggestion and if you don't like it next term you can go online"

The boys all looked at each other. Wilbur had been attending in person school since grade school, Tommy had did 2 years of online school before going in person, and ranboo and techno have yet to ever go to in person school.

Tommy and wilbur where ok with the idea but ranboo and techno where worried.

They were worried because unlike Tommy and wilbur who were adopting in the Uk from a uk orphanage, ranboo and techno where adopted in America therefore they fear that someone they know might be at the school they go to.

Technoblade thought to himself 'I can't let them see me sacred again, I won't' so ultimately he agreed, but ranboo was terrific to go to school, he had never been to in person school and he thought people would thing he was stupid. Or worst, one of his old bullys could go to the same school.

"I will be in the same year ranboo so you don't need to worry I won't let no one mess with you" Tommy said with a lopsided smile. Ranboo then agreed not to long later.

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