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Tommy pov-

'This techno guy is really quiet' he thought to himself while laying in bed. 'I wonder if i could get to know him soon but he seems so closed off, but then again so did ranboo when he came' tommy sighs before getting up and going to his pc and starting it up.

He goes to discord to check and see if tubbo is active but he isn't, of course he isn't its 3 am. Tommy goes back to his bed and lays down. He really doesn't want to go to bed in fears he will have a nightmare so he just lays there till he heard a door open.

He looked up from his book and check the time. 'Damn its 3 already' He gets up and decides that he is going to go get a drink.

He walks out of his room and walks to the kitchen.

Tommy pov-

Tommy grabbed his knife he keep under his pillow and tip toe to the door. He contemplated waking up ranboo but decided to let him sleep.

He walks out of his room and tip toes to the living room. Everything was dark and quiet till he heard a small noise in the kitchen. He slowly makes his way to the kitchen with the knife straight out infront of him.

He sharply turned the corner but was met with a hand holding his wrist. They twisted it and the knife fell out of his hands. "Ow" i yelped out then i felt them let go "shit sorry i didn't know who you were i just saw a knife" i looked up and saw techno.

"Im sorry to i thought you were a robber or something" he rubbed his wrist.

Techno bent down and picked up the knife. "Why does a 13 year old have a knife?" Techno asks skeptically. "Reasons, why are you awake?" Techno chuckled. "Couldn't sleep" tommy laughed. "Same" tommy walked into the kitchen amd grabbed a glass of juice. "Why can't you sleep if i may ask?" Techno asks.

Tommy stiffens, techno takes notice and quickly says "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" "its fine, i just get really bad nightmares and so i guess im scared to go to sleep" techno nods. "Would you like to come hang out in my room?" Techno asks. Tommy perks up "sure if thats ok!" Techno chuckles and walks back to his room. Tommy was happy because he was bonding with techno.

They walk into techno's room, tommy sits on his bed while techno sits back down at his desk and puts on his glasses. "Do you know the story of theseus?" Techno asks. Tommy shakes his head.

"His country was in danger and he was sent forwards to enemy lines. He slayed the minotaur and saved his city. And you know what they did to him tommy?" Tommy sat forward and shook his head. "They exiled him, he died in disgrace, despised by his people"

"Wow" tommy said in admonishment "wow is right thats what happens to heros"

3rd person pov:

The rest of the night techno read tommy greek storys till eventually he fell asleep.

Techno pov-

Techno looked up at the clock, it was now 7 am and he was silently reading to him self now that tommy was asleep. Techno looked over at him and realized he looked panicked, he must be having a bad dream. Then all of a sudden he shot up breathing heavily and looking around wildly.

Techno slowly got up and approached him, trying to make his movements predictable. "Tommy? tommy its me techno" tommy looked up wildly at techno "s-stay back d-don't come any closer" techno stoped. "Tommy can u tell me 5 things you see?" He asks.

Tommy looks around "b-books, a computer, the d-door, p- pillows, you" "ok now 4 things you can hear" tommy hesitated, "a heater, the p- pc, si- sizzling, breath-thing" techno nodded. "Now 3 things you can feel" "the b-bed, my clothes, the blanket" "good 2 things you can smell?" Tommy stopped and sniffed the air "bacon, and coffee" "good now 1 thing you can taste" "spit"

Finally tommy calmed down. "Was it a bad dream?" Techno asks, tommy nods.. "Its fine tho" tommy nervously laughs. They heard phil yell breakfast.

The boys walked out of techno's room and went to the dinning room. "So how did everyone sleep?" Phil asks as he sets down the plates. "Like a baby" wilbur said in-between bites of food. "Good, ranboo?" Phil asks, ranboo nods and puts a thumbs up. Phil smiles and looks at tommy "toms did you get any sleep last night? Any nightmares" tommy nodded "a little bit but yah i had a nightmare" phil nodded. He then looked at techno "how'd you sleep mate" techno shrugged. Phil raised an eye brow "didn't sleep" techno simply said while taking a sip of coffee. Phil sighs.

They was a bit more conversation before everyone got up, no one questioning technos still full plate.

Techno walked into the living room and sat at the couch.

"So are we doing anything today dad?" Tommy asks. "Hmm i don't know what do you guys want to do?" Everyone shrugged.

Techno sat at the edge of the couch picking at his skin around his nails..

"I have an idea, lets watch a movie" wilbur announced. Techno looked at everyone and saw they all agreed so he nodded as well.

Now came the hard part, finding a movie. With 4 boys in the house with all different movie taste this was going to result in some sort of fight. Techno or phil didn't mind the movie so it was really up to the other 3.

Techno watched as wilbur and tommy fought about how up is sad and that they watched it a million times. Ranboo just sat in the middle laughing.

Techno chuckled at the scene they all seemed like 3 year olds. Little did he know philza noticed and it made him smile that he got to see techno laugh or more so chuckle for the first time.

In the end they settled on Aristocats for some reason.

Everyone was pretty into the show, even phil which techno thought was funny.

Around half way threw the movie techno felt a weight on his shoulder. He jumped at first not knowing who it was but then he looked down and saw tommy asleep. Techno smiled. He was taking a liking to this tommy kid.

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