|the jubilee line|

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Everything was so blurry. I don't know where I am. Where am I? A train? I-I hear a train. But where, where is it coming from? Is it coming for me? Oh I see it's here to take me away. Away from where? My pathetic life? My toxic boyfriend? This world is to much to handle. Oh look the train is here, do I get on? Do I have a choice?

'Of course you do' said a voice, a oddly familiar voice.

'Mom?' My voice was echoey.

'Oh how you've grown my baby'

Wilbur turned around and saw his mom, Kristen. She was right in front of the train doors.

Shall we take a ride while we look back on life? You have a very important decision to make.

Wilbur walked into the train with his mother with out a moment hesitation.

They sat in a window seat and watched as the train pulled out of the station l.

'Wilbur, how have you been darling' Kristen asked.

Wilbur chuckled, his voice cracking a bit 'I've been just great'

'I see your pain, I've been watching you and I see the baggage you carry' she said

Just then the secnery changed outside. Now it was Wilbur as a child, running around the yard in their old house when they still lived in Britain. He was only 12, will could tell because Tommy was not around yet.

'I remember this day' Kristen smiled. "It was about 2 months before I got really sick, you where what 11, 12. It was a good day, it was the day before we were to bring Tommy home and so we went out and did everything with you so you wouldn't feel like Tommy was taking your place.' Kristen said with a chuckle

Wilbur chuckled, 'I remember that day, I had so much fun, I was so- care free.' Wilbur sighed 'I wish I could live that day over and over again.'

Kristen smiled, "I know darling, I know"

The scene changed again this time it was the day of his mothers funeral, Tommy was sitting on phils lap crying, he was 7, Wilbur stood over his mothers casket. 'Mom. Wake up. Please. I need you mom please wake up'

Wilbur looked away from the window, "that was a hard day for everyone.' He said

'I know baby, I never wanted to leave you guys but; it was my time and you can't argue with the fates' she said with a sad smile.

'Did you have a choice? Like me.' Wilbur asked

'No, there was no saving me I was to sick.' Kristen said sadly. 'I never want to see Phil go threw the pain of out living his wife and child' she said.

The sense changed again. It was Ranboo sitting under his desk, his ears covered. Wilbur was sitting at the door, he didn't do anything he just sat there he knew his presents was comfort enough.

'You helped so many people threw hard times' Kristen said with a smile, 'they would be sad if you left.'

'But what if it's my time?' Wilbur asked

'Oh you will know when it's your time but you are strong and you are a fighter, I believe in you.'

Suddenly all the window where filled with his memories. When they moved to America, back when they adopted Tommy, his first day of American school. So many things filled the screen.

He looked at one, it was the most recent except he saw even after he passed out. After they where hit the car flipped into schlatts yard, Wilbur was thrown out the window and pinned under the car, techno had been thrown out onto the road.

Wilbur felt a twang of guilt when he saw techno, he didn't mean to get him hurt.

'It was not your fault Wilbur' Kristen said.

Wilbur looked back at the window, he saw schlatt over his body, calling his dad and trying not to cry, schlatts parents where screaming, his mom ran to techno and his dad stayed by him. Then the memory faded away.

'I have to go back' Wilbur said.

'Are you sure? It will be a very long a painful recovery' she said.

Wilbur nodded, 'I have to, for them' he said looking at all the windows.

Kristen nodded and the train stopped. 'Then go my boy, make me proud, I will be watching.'

Wilbur walked to the doors, before he went out he ran and hugged his mom, 'I love you mom'

'I love you too and I will be right here when it is your time.' Then she vanished.

Wilbur looked at the doors that where now glowing brighter, he braced himself then walked threw the doors.


Short chapter brought to you by a tried author <3

Make sure to drink some water
Eat some food
Bind safely
I'm proud of you and your doing great!

Word count: 824

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