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Techno pov-

Tecnnoblads looked up from his book, he checked his watched and realized he has been up in his room almost all day. It was a good book but he didn't want to be put back into the system because he was always locked away in his room. Though this was the first time he got his own room and willingly could stay in there for as long as he wanted. But he just couldn't help but question it, why where they so nice, do they intend to do somthing when he gets more comfortable. There is no telling its uncertain what could happen and techno hates the uncertain.

He takes a deep breath to try to calm his nerves, he doesn't need to think him self into panic, just stay cool and collective.

He sets his book down gently before getting up and walking out of the room. When he was walking out he noticed ranboo and tommys door was closed, wilburs was opened.

He walked into the living room and saw Tommy laying on the couch watching tv. He sat down on the other side of the couch. Tommy looked at him "hey techno" techno nodded at him "hi, where is everyone?" He asks. "Wilbur is out, dad is in the kitchen, and I think ranboo is in our room" techno nodded.

Techno suddenly felt a sharp pain on the side of his head. He puts his head on his hand. "Are you alright techno?" Tommy asked, techno nodded the pain was gone as fast as it came.

Techno quietly observed the room, a comedy was quietly playing on the tv, on the wall next to the kitchen door was a cupboard, techno wondered what it was.

He tensed up when he heard someone walk into the room. He always learned to stay on the fence, stay ready was what he was taught.

Philza gave him a warm smile, "hey mates I am going to be in my office for a while, I have to do some work" techno and Tommy nodded. "Wheres ranboo so I can also let him know" Phil asks, "our room" Tommy says, Phil thanks him and walks in that direction.

(Small time skip)

Third person pov:

Techno and Tommy where still in the living room, Tommy was watching a backing show and techno was read a book. Wilbur had gotten home a bit ago and was now in his room writing more music note, ranboo still has not come out of his room, and Phil was still working in his office.

Thunder started and soon rain stared pouring. Techno shivered, Tommy looked at him but didn't pay much mind for all he new he was cold.

Again thunder struck, this time techno jumped, "wow techno are you alright? Do I need to get Phil or Wilbur?" Tommy asked worrily. Techno shook his head and tried to regain is cool, he couldn't let them see his weak side.

Tommy looked at him worrily, wondering if he should go get someone.

Techno took a deep breath, even he knew things where about to get bad.

This time it was lightning that set him off, he clapses his hands over his ears and closes his eyes tightly.

"Daaaad, wilburrrr!" Tommy yells. Phil came running in first then Wilbur. Phil looked at techno and assessed the situation. "What happened tommy?" He asks, "well when the thunder started he started acting weird, then the rain started and he looked really uncomfortable, fianlly lightning little up the sky and he shut down." Phil nodded and carefully walked towards techno.

Technos pov:

Everything faded around him, suddenly he was back in that room. His breathing picked up as he looked around hoping to not see his dad.

Suddenly he see his dad standing over him, "no no im sorry please don't hurt me" he begs as his dad hovers over him. "You where always a disapoiment" then he kicked him.

He remembers this day, it was one of the last incidents before his dad tried to kill him. He should have noticed that he was getting more and more violent.

"Please, please,I'm sorry I'll be quiet please" techno begged and begged. A storm was raging out side. "Maybe you shouldn't be a baby about a storm, if you where a normal kid non of this would have happened to you" he bends down to his ear and whispers, "it's all you fault"

Phils pov:

Techno stared begging and saying sorry over and over again while rocking back and forth with his hands over his ears and his eyes closed tightly.

Phil approached him cautiously, "techno?" He says gently, "techno your safe the thunder can't get you" he said softly. Phil looked back at the boys and saw Tommy now next wilbur, he was hoping that this wouldn't lead to the other kids getting triggered.

He looked back at techno who was now silent but still shaking. Phil didn't know how he was going to help him. "Techno listen to my voice, your ok, your safe."

He noticed that techno didn't looked daized anymore and was looking around but he still looked sacred. "Hey tech can you hear me?" Phil asks, techno nodded, Phil took a breath, that was a step in the right direction.

Wilburs pov:

Wilbur was really worried about techno, he looked at Tommy and whispered to him "hey tommy are you ok? Is this to much do you need to leave" he asks. "No its fine I'm just worried about techno" Tommy said, Wilbur nodded undertandingly.

He looked back at techno but saw him get up and speed walk to his room. "Dad what happened?" He asks, "I don't know but maybe we should just leave him alone for now" wilbur nodded.

He walked back to technos door and put his ear up to the door, he heard heavy breathing. He knocked on the door and listened "w-whos there?" Techno asked. "Its me Wilbur can I come in?"

It was silent before the door unlocked, Wilbur took that as a sign to come in.

When he walked in he saw techno on his bed in the corner with blankets surrounding him.

Wilbur walked up and sat at the edge of his bed. "You don't need to talk to me but if you want I can stay here with you till the storm is over" he offered. Techno stay quiet for a minute before nodding slightly.

Another struck of thunder followed by lightning lit up the room cause techno to jump again and shake more.

Wilbur thought of something that could help, "I will be right back techno"

Wilbur ran to his room and grabbed his guitar and ran back. He sat back on the bed this time right next to techno with his back up against the wall.

He starts strumming one of his most recent songs he has composed because the tune seemed soothing.

'I thought I couldn't love anymore
Turns  out I can't
Not for the same reasons as before
I use everyone I ever meet
I can't find the perfect match
Abuse those I love
While I ostracized the ones who love me back'

He continued to strum the music hoping that it was working to cover up the storm as best as possible.

After he finished the song he soon found out it worked because techno has fallen asleep peacefully on Wilburs shoulder.

Wilbur smiled to himself, he put down his guitar and inevitably fell asleep.

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