|never stops|

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A/n hey a little fyi that the tw are in the description i will also put this ¤ at the begining of the chapter to indicate the chapter can be triggering to some viewers

¤ this chapter contains abuse, panic attacks, and all in all heavy topics if you are uncomfortable with this plz skip to the next chapter ¤

Techno- (this part of the story will be in 1st person perspective)

It was a rainy, i always hated rainy days it ment i couldnt go outside which ment i was trapped in here with my mom and dad. My mom wasn't to bad she just told me i was worthless and all that but i learned to zone it out. My dad on the other hand he was more aggressive and took his anger out on me.

I looked away from my window when i heard the front door slam open. I sighed knowing who it was, my dad was home.

I heard stomping down stairs. I assumed he was in the kitchen probably getting a beer. I tip toed to my door and opened it slightly to hear what was going on outside.

I heard my parents chattering but couldn't hear specific words till my dad stared yelling. "YOU PROBABLY ARE CHEATING YOU SL^T" my dad yelled before i heard crashing. Now as much as my mom gives me shit i still don't like it when my dad puts his hands on her so i ran down stairs and in between him and her. "Leave her alone" i yell.

My dad gives me a lop sided smirk. "Oh so you think your going to play hero now?" He asked before reaching out and grabbing my neck.

Phil pov- (back to 3rd person perspective)

The movie was almost over when phil looked over at his kids. He smiled when he saw tommy and techno asleep.

He looks at wilbur and ranboo who was still fully invested in the movie and chuckles. He turns his attention back to the tv and finshes watching the movie.

After the movie was over phil stood up and stretched. He checked his watch and it said 3:40. He decided he needed to go to the store to get grocerys for dinner. "Hey wil, ranboo i have to go to the store do u want to come with?" They shook his head.

Before phil walked out the room to get changed he looked over at techno and noticed he was shaking a bit. He walks closer to him and suddenly techno launches forward holding his neck and shaking. He was looking around wildly while rocking back and forth.

"Techno?" Phil asked while slowly walking towards him. He looked over at wilbur, ranboo and tommy who know was awake. They looked back at him before looking at techno.

"Tech can you hear me? Your ok its me phil" techno looked at phil and shakily nodded. Phil smiled "techno can you try to take deep breaths with me?" He nodded again. So slowly phil took long deep breaths as techno tried his best to copy. After a long few minutes he calmed down, still shaky but calm.

"What happend techno?" Phil asks calmly. "Nothing, just a bad dream" phil nods not wanting to push him to tell them anything though he knows that they need to talk about it eventually.

"Well i need to go to the store whos coming with me?" Phil looks around. "How bout we all go and get out of the house" tommy suggested. "Good idea is everyone else fine with that?" Everyone nods. "Ok be ready in 5" and with that everyone went to go get ready.

Techno pov-

Techno shudders as he walks into his room. He let them see his weak side, what if they use it against him? What if they see how messed up he is and send him back.

He stopped and took a deep breath just as there was a knock on the door. He walked over to it and opened it "hello?" He asks.

"Hey techno i just thought i would come check up on you before we leave" ranboo said. "Oh ok, im fine im just getting dressed" ranboo nodded. "If you need anything i will be in the next room" ranboo said.

Techno nodded and closed the door. God he hated being pityed he knew that it was all an act anyways soon they would show their true colors though he wondered how they got ranboo to play along, but he didn't want to think about it. He grabbed his shoes and walked out to the living room.

"Is everyone ready?" Phil asks, everyone nods. "Ok lets head out"


A/n sorry for taking so long and only giving you a small chapter, i will try to make the next one longer to make up for it :)

Its ok to not be ok || sbi+ ranboo Where stories live. Discover now