A not so happy ending

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Your eyes are fluttering. You see a very clean white above you. People covered in white cloths surround you, holding metal instruments. Lots and lots of clean white. Your eyelids shut and you drift off.
You heavily open your eyes, looking around. The people are gone and it's only then you remember. Everything comes rushing back, the drink, being kidnapped, your parents, the metal, the whip, Sonya, and finally Newt. You rub your temples to soothe the throbbing pain in your head. Pain starts appearing at your torso and across your face. At first it's not much pain, but it gradually increases. You sit up a little which makes your pain level rise, causing you to wince. You're in a hospital room with windows that show the waiting room. You see a group of your friends there, concerned looks across their faces. Your drowsy as you check your injuries. A slice from the whip is stitched up, the burns are noticeably better. You don't notice until she is talking to you, but a doctor walked in. "Good morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?" You respond with, "Um, I'm alright." She smiles with sorrow filling her eyes. She changes a couple bandages then asks, "Your friends would like to see you, do you think that would be alright?" You hesitate, "Alright, but um, can I get some rest first?" She says of course and walks out. You quickly fall to sleep.

(The next part in the dots is dreaming) •••your back in the building. Gally is about to shoot, but then you realize Newt is the hooded figure. He has devilish grin on his face as the bullet flies into your flesh. You blink and wake up in a memory. You're at the ice cream shop with your parents. You're 7 years old. As you reach on your tiptoes to get the ice cream, the server morphs into Gally. And the ice cream turns into a gun. The shop around you changes into a metal room. Your parents and Sonya are strapped to the wall, you, tied to a chair. Gally makes sure your watching as he tortures the three of them. It's your turn, your turn do die this time. He steps over their lifeless bodies, aiming at you. He tilts his head and starts murmuring, "y/n, y/n wake up! It's just a dream, it's not real!"••• You shudder into reality as Newt pulls you into a hug.

Newts POV• she's sweating and shaking with goose bumps at the same time. She jolts up from her nightmares and I cradle her, reassuring she's okay and it was just a dream. But the fact I can't tell myself the same thing aches in my heart. I can't tell myself that she wasn't tortured for nothing. I can't tell myself I did everything I could to help her. I can't tell myself she's okay, even though I tell her anyway.

You look up, letting Newts brown eyes devour you. You can't look away from their entrance, they make you feel better. Staring into the milky waves of his irises you come to the conclusion, that life fucking sucks but there will always be a silver lining making it somewhat bearable, and your silver lining, is Newt.

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