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You wake up to pitch black, a throbbing head, and muffled voices. You reposition your aching back and realized that was a big mistake. "She's up." A scratchy male voice said that. A different voice laughs and says, "Of course she is." That was the guy from the bar, he drugged you. You start to sweat and shiver at the same time. "Should we take the blindfold off?" You want to run away, but your handcuffed and can barely move. "Suuure." The guy from the bar responds. Your breathing is very unsteady. Cold, rough fingers touch your forehead, lifting the scratchy material off. Your visions doubles for a second, but quickly goes back to normal. The throb in your head gets worse as you look at your surroundings. A dirty, enclosed brick room, inky black sky, and a small light. The two men stand tall above you. A single tear sheds from your eye. Scratchy voice giggles. You look behind them and see something awful. You gasp at the sight. Sonya is knocked out on the floor a pool of deep Crimson red surrounding her wound. You immediately feel pain in your side, because scratchy voice kicks you. "Shut up." He says blankly then turns around. He starts talking, "Your probably wondering why your here. Well that's because your parents have died," he giggled at that part, "On their businesses trip. You see, my boss gave me the assignment of telling you, your next. And we have your friend here because, more pain more gain, right?" He laughs again and continues, "Since I have the job of killing you, I'm not gonna flat-out murder you, that's just boring." He exaggerates the O in boring. "Instead I'm going to torture you in every humanly way possible. Now won't that be fun?" The tears start pouring down your face. You did nothing wrong, and they murdered your parents too. "We do have one simple rule," the guy from the bar states. "Don't fight back, and she lives." He points at Sonya. "It's not like you have a way of escaping this." He smiles as blinding pain shoots through your head. Knocked out again.

You grunt waking up, and pain immediately pounds in your head. You wince while sitting up. You look around and realize the guys are gone. You are no longer chained up, but there is no way of getting out. Sonya is stirring but her wound still looks revolting. Your legs ache as you move towards her pale body. You bite your dry tongue to hold back the pain. There are a couple pieces of cloth on the floor so you rip them and cover Sonya's injury, dabbing some blood off your forehead too. Feeling somewhat satisfied with helping her, you doze off into your never ending nightmares.

Newts POV- She's been gone for a day now. You pace back and forth Thomas's living room awful thoughts of what happened to her bouncing through your head, piercing your heart. Thomas sits on the couch his head down, a depressing gloom cascading over his face. He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, "They're gone Newt. Could be dead." He whimpers. You shutter and wrap your arms around him and cry. "First thing tomorrow, we do all we can to help, okay?" You hoarsely say. "Ya, ya we need to help." He cries.

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