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"I can't remember anything," Is all you think while staring at your Algebra final. You find it utterly ridiculous that you have to remember this bullshit, when are you going to need the quadratic formula of a parallelogram? At least it was mainly multiple choice or you'd be failing. All you do is scribble down answers and hope for the best.
Once the bell rings you dart for the door, oh but of course Mrs.Simpson has to say "The bell doesn't dismiss you I do." Bullshit. I wait for her enormous hands to dismiss us, then it's off to lunch.
You sit down at your regular table and wait for your friends to arrive. You look to the left and see the popular table. You have always been excepted into their group but you just didn't fit, you still got invited to parties though. You rarely went to them because your a socially awkward teen. "Hey girly." Frypan giggles sitting down at your table. He is one of your best friends, couldn't live without him and his sass. " Did you take your Algebra final yet?" You question him. "NO, but I'm gonna after lunch, Mrs.Simpsons always breathin down mah neck, I swear she used to be in jail." You laugh, that is his theory, she was arrested for child abuse. Taking a bite into your apple, Minho walks by and says hi. He is one of the populars, but he gave up on inviting you over to the table after a week or two. You respond with a simple hey and he walks off. You take out The Great Gatsby and read for a minuet until Sonya sits down to your right. She is your girl best friend, inseparable since third grade. "Y/n, y/n, guess what?!?!" You grin, " What happened now?" She squeals and and tells you that Thomas asked her out. A smirk spreads across your face and you give her a quick hug while she goes into details. Meanwhile Frypan is rolling his eyes.

After school Sonya comes over to your house and you talk about boys, of course. She's rambling on about Thomas and all I can think about is how lucky she is. Her crush asked her out and quite frankly, they are the most annoying couple ever, even though they only have been dating for half a day.
After a while, you got a bit bored so you invite some friends over. In about a half an hour, Thomas, Minho, Frypan, and Newt show up at your door. Sonya runs and jumps into Thomas's arms and you're just standing there awkwardly. "Hey y/n." You smile from hearing his thick British accent. "Hey Newt."
Everyone walks in and you give Frypan a hug. He smells like bacon, but doesn't he always? Within a couple minuets you decided to watch a movie. You told Newt and Minho to pick it out while you go change out of your school cloths. You stare at your "empty" closet and decide to wear denim mini shorts, a white tank top, and a blue and green flannel. Upon looking in the mirror, you spot Newt out the corner of your eye. "Oh, hey." Is all you say. He starts to walk up and is right behind you, basically breathing down your neck. He starts to whisper, " Minho picked out a scary movie, I know you don't like those, but your safe with me." He smirks his adorable smirk then walks off. You feel like fainting. Although, you do hate scary movies and your head will probably be buried in arms the whole time. Not a bad thing.

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