Prologue (part 1)

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Hey guys.
I have nothing to say sooooo
Enjoy this peice of crap😩❤


Y/n is a not-so-normal citizen of the fairytale Island, whose parents abandoned her when she was 5 years old, which was also the day of her birthday. On the very same day, she met...


The main future leader of the Fearless 7.


It was her birthday.

Also known as "the worst day of her life" as quoted by her.

It was 5 in the morning when the sun rose and a brand new day started. Y/n was peacefully sleeping in her bed. Her mother came in her room and opened the curtains and the window, causing the sun rays to hit Y/n's face gracefully to wake her up for the special day.

Y/n pulled the covers over her head to prevent the brightness to hit her face. But it didn't last long as her father came in the room and pulled the covers off her. Y/n got up, still feeling sleepy, only to be pushed back on the bed by her parents and squeeze the daylights out of the girl.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BABYYYY!!" Both Parents screamed out while bear-hugging her.

"Ca-can't - Br- Breathe-" she choked out.

"Oh sorry hunny. BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Her dad said excitingly while pulling away

"Thank you mama and papa!" She said while kissing their cheeks.

She finally got off the bed and ran out to the living room.

Her e/c orbs landed on a small cake on the table and the balloons and different decorations in the living room.

"Mama, papa, THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL THANK YOUUUU!!" She exclaimed running off to her parents who were standing there, smiling at the little kid.

"Of course sweetie! my baby is getting bigger and bigger day by day!" Her mom said wiping away a fake tear.

"Alright alright lets cut the cake now!" The father said wrapping his one arm around his wife and and pulling his daughter on his hip with the other.

(Time skip to night time cuz I'm lazy😃)

It was now night. The moon and stars were spread in the night making it brighter and peaceful. But it wasn't peaceful in the household of the l/n family. After all, it was their daughter's birthday.

All her relatives and neighbours were there, with their own kids. She was playing with them and having a cheerful and awesome birthday.

But that didn't last long.

Her and the rest of the kids were playing tag, and it was her turn to tag the players. She was running around trying catch everyone. And she did too. But, she touched the kid on the shoulder, and it caught fire. The cloth on the specific part she touched was fully burnt. All the kids screamed running away from the poor clueless girl.



'What a freak!"

"Get away from her she is dangerous!"

Her parents came in the room and asked what happened. Someone told them the incident and they both came towards her.

"Y/n is it true?!" Her mother scolded. Fear and anger burning in both of their eyes.

"Mommy, daddy I-I.. I didn't k-know h-how tha-at happened..! I'm.. I'm s-sorry..." she stuttered out. She was scared of herself.

"Oh my god! You are a monster. A freak!" Her dad spit out with venom.

Tears started to brim at the corner of the poor girl's eyes. She raised her palms and waved them to prove that she didn't know, but instead, she threw out ice from one palm, and fire from the other.



Both of them shouted while the others ran out of the commotion. Tears started streaming on her cheeks and she ran away.

She thought this was gonna be one of the best birthdays ever. But she was wrong.

She ran, ran, and ran. Out in the woods. Alone. Those words were stuck in her mind forever. And there was no way she would ever get out of them.




While running, she didn't pay attention to the stares she was getting, nor to her surroundings.

Then she bumped into something. Or more specifically, someone.

And that someone was none other than Prince Merlin.

She quickly apologized and started running away again, but a hand stopped her from doing so.

She turned around and saw that the boy was the one holding her hand.

"Prince Merlin!" She gasped and started apologizing continously.

"I'm sorr-" She got cut off by him.

"Is everything alright? Why are you crying pretty lady?" He asked in a sweet and concerning voice.

"E-everything's fine, Prince Merlin!" She faked a smile.

"You're definitely not okay miss, and please call me Merlin." He said giving her a toothy grin. Well his front two teeth weren't there but whatever.

"Now please tell me what's wrong? Why were you running?" He asked while wiping away her tears.

And then she broke.

Waterworks started and she let it all out. She told the boy everything that happened. And the boy heard everthing patiently. He comforted her like he had known her for years, and hugged her. She didn't care if it was a stranger. At least there was someone who understood her.

Merlin had brought her to his castle and let her live there. He also introduced her to the rest of his friends. Names being Jack, Hans, Arthur, Pino, Noki and Kio. And they all became inseperable.

And as the time flew by,

The pair grew up in the form of a beautiful lady and handsome men.

And they are now known by the name of...


The fearless 8.


Heya! Hope you enjoyed the prologue!

I wanted to do this because there are not many fanfics about it.

So yah.
This book wil go by the movie plot.

Stay tuned for part two of the prologue!
See ya my fairies! (See what I did there😏)
Okay I'll shut up now.

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