Chapter 8

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My eyes opened in the middle of the night, only to know that I was back inside.

On Merlin's lap.

He was playing with my hair, when he realized  I was awake.

"What am I doing back inside?" I asked.

"Well I went in the barn to check up on you. You were shivering because of the coldness outside, so I brought you back in" He explained.

"Hey uh.. is something wrong?" He asked me.

"Nah, I'm fine, just problems in the love department" I mumbled the last part. But he heard it.

"O-oh? You're in love?" He sounded...sad?

"Yup. But he just doesn't seem to notice" I sighed and sat up.

"Who is it?" He asked in hope.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not telling you" I said.

"Well at least tell me what he is like?"

"Fine. He's... very handsome, and well, we're best friends"

"Is it one of us?"

"Yeah. Now figure it out yourself. I'm not telling you more."

"Oh c'monn! You won't tell your roomie? Your bestie?" He pouted playfully.

"Nope" I smiled and booped his nose.

He gave me puppy eyes, he knew I can't resist them. But this time I surprisingly did.

"Don't pull that puppy face on me Merlin, Its not gonna work" I smirked and he sighed.


"Hey tell me about your sisters! I wanna know more" He said.

"Alright then. They both have powers, like me. Elsa has ice and Anna has fire powers. They're twins." I told him.

"O-oh? So does that mean...?" He asked unsure. I nodded sadly.

"Some parents they are" He scoffed. I smiled.

"Hey at least we don't have to deal with them!" I cheered.

"Pshh. Whatever. I still hate them" he crossed his arms and stuck his bottom lip out.

"Awwww is wittle Merlin sad?" I cooed.

"Hmph" I chuckled.

"Fine c'mere" I opened my arms and he put his head on my chest. We lied down and cuddled ourselves to sleep.

(Next morning. I hope ya'll are satisfied with the alone time I'm giving you and Merlin~)

"This is the perfect copy of the drawing!" Red shoes gasped. No surprise, the triplets created another invention. This machine was throwing out perfect copies of the posters. Pino was spinning the handle of the machine to make it work.

"Can I try?" I asked and Pino nodded. He stepped aside and I started spinning the handle a little faster than Pino.

"This is definitely gonna make it easier to find your dad, Red!" I smiled up at her.

"Unfortunately, this thing ain't flying" Noki said

"Its grounded" Kio added.

"Why does it need to fly?" Red shoes asked smiling

"The posters are no good if we can't distribute them fast!" Pino said and red shoes hugged the triplets.

"Guys, thank you so much for everything you're doing for me" She said and I smiled. From the corner of my eye I saw Merlin become jealous. I tried hard not to frown. He  came over and said that he needed copies of his spell, so I gave him the machine. My eyes landed on the broom that was stuck in a tree when Red shoes first came here. I went to it and pulled it out. I gave it to the triplets.

I just got Merlined~ (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now