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6 years later...

Its been six years.

Six years since we defeated Regina and saved the Kingdom.

And six years since me and Merlin have been dating. We still are, and I've never been more happy.

Hans is married to snow white, and they are a healthy couple. While the others are still looking for a girl. The triplets wanted to stay little dwarfs for a little longer. Me and Merlin are playing wingman and wingwoman for Arthur and Jack.

And well, for Anna and Elsa...

I haven't seen them in these years. We send letters to each other though. The King and the Queen had died when they both were around 18. I wanted to go visit them, but we have been very busy with all the attacks in the kingdom.

I also know about Elsa's power. Its growing and she has not been able to control them. As for Anna, she doesn't remember about Elsa's power. She remembers about her own.

We will finally be going to Arendelle, for Elsa's coronation! I'm super excited. The boys said they will stay here and look for girls, or work on a new invention. Its in about 2 days.

And now, currently....

Me and Merlin are sitting in my room. Goofing around. Well, more like me ranting about being bored and him suggesting a thing we can do.

"Pfffttt, I'm BORED!!" I groaned, again. But this time, resting my elbow on my thigh and placing my palm on my cheek. Merlin hugged me from behind, more like my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh please, you've been saying that for the past hour! I keep suggesting you on what to do, but you deny and then we repeat the process" He said. He ain't lying though...

"Its not my problem I keep having mood swings! And for the love of god, I'm on "those days", I keep having cramps every now and then, even if its my second last day. I crave something veryyy stupid and when I take a bite, its gets thrown away! So don't you blame me!" I ranted out and Merlin chuckled.

"Okay then, why don't we go for a walk?" He suggested and I leaned my head on his chest.

"I don't know" I said clicking my tongue and looking up at him.

"See what I mean?" He said raising an eyebrow and looking down at me. I puckered my lips and he pecked them.

"Ok fine fine" I said getting up. I opened the door and looked behind my shoulder.

"You coming?" I said pointing outside. He got up and followed behind me.

"Ayo guys, we're going for a walk! We'll be back in a few!" I yelled and walked out of the house.

"Okay!" I heard and we walked down the risky rocks, hand in hand. I'm never gonna get used to that.

"Y'know, I sometimes wonder what would've happened if you wouldn't have helped me that day when we met" I said out of nowhere.

"Well, I wouldn't have met you, and my life would've probably been a mess right now" He said. I looked at him.

"When do you not compliment me and flirt with me, prince Merlin?" I mocked.

"Hey don't look at me like that! Its my personality and my right! You're my girlfriend!" He mumbled something after saying that sentence.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing! Hehe..." He said quickly. Sus... but I shrugged it off.

I heard a rustle from the bushes. I stopped walking.

I just got Merlined~ (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now