Chapter 7

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I was sitting in the living room with red shoes, when Hans came in the room with a tray full of donuts.

"Hans you shouldn't have!" Red shoes gasped as she picked up a donut and looked at it watery mouthed.

"Something sweet for someone, sweeter" He replied with a goofy grin. I shook my head with a smile.

"You can have one too y/n" He smiled at me and shoved the tray towards me.

"Thanks hans! I'd love to but I'm already full. I ate too much of your pancakes this morning." I smiled apologetically.

"Mmm this is spectacular!" she said with her mouth full and I chuckled.

"Just tell me what you want. Anytime, for the rest of your life" he said and I snickered at his antics.

"Behold! Carved by the richest jewellers of all the jewellers I know, which is a lot" Jack came out with a box in his hands. He opened it up in front of red shoes and I stifled a laugh. Everyone was trying to impress red shoes.

"Wow. Its beautiful Jack!" Red shoes said as she took another donut from the tray. Hans was shooting daggers at Jack. They were making it hard for me to not laugh.

"I want absolutely nothing in return! *cough* make it a kiss *cough*" I silently wheezed at the last part he said.

"I don't want your jewels Jack, only your good intentions!" Red shoes said. I smiled at her words. The world should learn from this girl.

"My intentions are more than good! They're super bonne-" He got cut off by a familiar voice.

"Testing one, two, testing one- no I'm pushing it you dolt!" We got up and went to the window to see who was speaking, and it was the guy from last night.

Prince bi- average.

My eyes widened.

"Attention, hideous trolls! Is it dwarfs with an 'f', or dwarves with a 'v'. I wanna use whatever's more offensive" I scoffed.

"Oh its that loser, prince average" Jack said.

"Heard that! Its av-vous-rauge"

"Oh please" Hans whispered.

"Inside your amateur attempt at a facade, of a sham, of a travesty, of a veneer of a castle, is a gorgeous, WANTED criminal!"

I looked at red shoes with a questioning look and she nodded.

I hereby command you to exit the premises and surrender post haste. Fail to comply and you'll never see these two again" He said and our eyes landed on Merlin and Arthur. My eyes widened.

"I have a plan. Guys, stay here and do not move. Red shoes, don't come outside-"

"On the count of three!"



"Trust me, I've got this, watch" I quickly ran up to the door ready to bust it open.

"Two! I lied. CHARGE!"

I busted the door open and walked out.

"GAURDS STOP! Wait you're not- no!" He whined and turned to a guard beside him.

"Does she look like this to you?!" I looked at Merlin as he was giving me a questioning look. I talked with my eyes. He understood and his eyes widened.

"Him?" He mouthed to me and I nodded. Then he sent prince loser a glare and I chuckled quietly as I watched the loser scold his guard. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

I just got Merlined~ (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now