chapter 9

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(Third person pov)

Merlin opened his eyes slowly. He sat up and looked around. His vision was blurry so he couldn't see anything clearly. He rubbed his eyes to get a clear vision. He then looked around, and saw a familiar bunny, three unfamiliar bears and two girls. One of them was y/n, but she was unconsious. He looked at the other girl.

"Do I know you?" He asked politely

"Its a long story" she sighed.

"I believe I have plenty of time" He smiled at the girl.

"Alright. You do know me, actually." He was confused.

"Let me begin" and then she told him how she is a princess, how Regina is after her, how a pair of red shoes make her look beautiful, and that she was hiding her true face for the whole time.

(Your pov)

I slowly opened my eyes, letting my vision adjust itself. When everything was clear, I looked around my surroundings. I was laying on the ground, there was a fire lit up in front of me, behind me was the big bunny, and on top of its stomach were three wooden bears. And then on my left, there was Merlin, with snow white. She had taken off her shoes.

"And here I am. All the real me. I bet you're dissapointed huh?" Snow said quietly, sadness clear in her voice.

"Wait, you're the girl from golden goose avenue! Red shoes-"

"That's not my name. Its snow white"

"Then your father is..."

"King white, yeah. By the time I knew Regina was a witch, he had disappeared"

"Who do you think screamed your name when you fell in the water?" She asked him before continuing, "who do you think saved your life? Because I know for a fact that I was not the one to do that" I pretended to be asleep when Merlin looked at me.

"She loves you, Merlin. She was ready to let me be with you, just so you're happy, because she knew that you liked me. But what she didn't know was that you liked me for my looks."

"I forgot to ask you this that day snow, did you ever consider to give those shoes to regina?" I said getting up with a groan. The pair of four eyes landed on me.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yes I a-" I got off by a pair of small arms surrounding me.

Merlin was hugging me.

"Thank you for saving my life" He whispered. I grinned.

"Of course Merlin, why wouldn't I? Your basically my family, I owed you for saving me that day" I said hugging back.

"You did not owe me, it was my decision, I wanted to help you." He said pulling away smiling.

I smiled back and looked at snow "So? I'm waiting for an answer" I said smiling sympathetically.

She sighed. "And give up their magic? If I had given up their magic, you wouldn't help me, would you?"

"Of course I would've snow. Why wouldn't I?" I said and she smiled at me.

"Would you, Merlin?" She aksed looking at him. He stayed silent.

"I really thought we were under the same spell. But I guess I was wrong" it took every single bone in me to not yell at him.

"You probably don't understand but, I'm under a curse too" Merlins said.

"You still don't get it Merlin, I'm not talking about our curses. I'm talking about the spell, that you never want to break" and with that she lied down, facing away from us.

I shook my head in disappointment.

"Seriously Merlin? Its still all about looks to you?" When I didn't get an answer, I sighed and looked away.

"I'm gonna get some wood for the fire" I got up and went inside the woods.

I was walking around, kicking stones with my legs, hands in my jeans pockets.

A lot has happened lately, and my life has been pretty much a mess. I used my ice powers to calm myself down and clear my head. Every single memory was in front of me. From my childhood until now. I decided to head back before they start searching for me. I picked up some fallen branches of trees so that I don't return empty handed.
I was walking back without looking, so I bumped into someone.

"Owww! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said rubbing my head. I looked up to see Merlin.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"Yea" I whispered and looked away.

"Y/n I... I'm sorry" He sighed.

"I was so stupid-"

"Still are" I cut him off.

"-To care about looks before the personality of a human. Please forgive me." He said

"You shouldn't apologise to me, you should apologise to who you've hurt. I can't stay mad at you for long, I already forgave you Merlin." I said and he hugged me.

"Thank you" He whispered and rested his nose in the crook of my neck. I blushed.

"Y-ya, s-sure!" I said pulling away. "L-let's go back." we started walking back.

We kept walking in silence, until we saw red shoes, holding an apple in her hand, with....

"Merlin?" I asked shocked and looked at the two dwarfs.

"But he's right here" I said confused. Merlin shrugged.

"Merlin?" Red shoes said to the one with me. Then looked at the one with her "Merlin?" The one with Red shoes glanced at all of us, before smirking.

"What terrible timing you have" He siad before turning into... an old woman?

"We'll have to do this the hard way then" She said as if it was no big deal. Red shoes dropped the apple and gasped.

"Regina?!" My eyes widened.

"Aww, what a tender family reunion. So sad we can't stay!" Regina said and covered red shoes in her cloak.

"Snow!" "Red shoes!" We yelled and tried to grab regina, but they already turned into black dust and disappeared.

"We gotta find her!" I said and hopped up on the bunny, pulling Merlin with me.

"Wait for us!" I looked down to see the three bears.

"No, you go to risky rock and tell everything to the dwarfs living there" I said

"And make lots of copies of this" Merlin said handing them one of his spells. The bears nodded and the bunny started hopping.

"Faster buddy!" I yelled to the bunny. "Merlin hold on tight!" I yelled again, and felt two hand making their way to my waist tightly. I blushed but quickly shook the feeling away.  I saw the castle and patted thr bunny to go in the direction I wanted to go, but he chose the other way.

"Wait the castle is over there where are you going?!" I yelled at the bunny and he jumped in a well. We screamed and waited for the impact. I heard a thump and opened one eye to see that there was a secret passage. I got of the bunny to go through up the stairs. Merlin and the bunny followed me, but the bunny got stuck be ause the poor thing was so big.

"Uhhh...sit?" Merlin said, more like questioned and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go c'mon" we reached the top of the stairs and we were now in a room. It was dark, so I lit up a fire spirit to get some light. We were looking around to get Any sign of snow white, but some branches gripped us and we were up in the air in a blink.

I just got Merlined~ (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now